flowering nutes?

mr stoner

hey guys, week two of flowering. no nutes added yet....just flushed last two watering. just got tigerbloom nd big bloom...not sure how to use these...any suggestions??

and anotherthing...wanna transplant to a 5 gal bucket...got the FFOF, MG blood meal, MG bone meal, any suggestions on that too??



Well-Known Member
oh there you are peter!! pics, yea!!
she doesnt look that tall and right now is in what looks like a 3gal bucket?? can you pull her out of the pot to inspect the roots? you might not neet to transplant.. but i would totally start feeding her some bloom..

sorry i dont know about those MG products tho.. just start with half of suggested dose and gradually start to increase untill she tells you stop.. also dont know if you know this yes but in soil its best to alternate your waterings to prevent overdose