Flowering Plants Way too Big


Well-Known Member
So basically I'm a week into flower and my plants are way too big. This photo is from a few days ago and they are now easily 4 inches taller hitting the lights when they are raised to the top of the room. They will reach 7 feet if I'm not careful with this. How would you manage their height without causing much stress? I'm tying tops down to bamboo stakes but still looks a little stressful and possibly not the most efficient way since its only saving me a few inches. Thanks for any help



Well-Known Member
tie down the plants, plank of wood whatever on ground with several hooks, bend plants as much as possible.You will have to extend the grow area.
Next time try sog and trim the lower 3rd of plant. Looks like u know what your doing but underestimated the final stretch of female plant.


Active Member
You need to veg much smaller.. by the time you hit 12/12, you need to understand that your plants will triple, to quadruple in height, and bloom is not the time to be training if you can help it.. when the plant feels pressure pulling it down, it hormonally signals to hinder bud production, out of fear of the weight snapping its stalks, which would entirely ruin that branches chances at reproduction.
Besides that, think of a piece of paper when rolled into a tube, and how it can support the weight of a brick when shaped this way. Now think of your branches, and the buds they intend on holding. The more bent over your branches are, the less weight they will be able to support. So the way you tie them down at this point, is crucial.

For now, you're probably doing the best you can.. it's too late to worry about spilled milk :) Just keep training them away from your light, and keep this experience in mind for the next grow. Good luck!

kbo ca

Active Member
sweet you have some nice looking monster plants!!! You can tie down all you want but it might come down to cutting off some of the tops. I know this sounds scary but it won't stress your plants and you will still get plenty of bud that hasn't been burned by your lights. From the looks of the pic you have quite a while left to go so most likely you will have to rip off some tops. The sooner the better to give the secondaries a chance to get nice and big. I'm sure next time you will flower sooner so at least you know you won't have this problem again. Garden looks good bro!! keep growin!


Well-Known Member
Yeah unfortunately when dialing the room in we caused extensive stress which then pushed back the flowering date time after time. Now we've got monsters. We were going SOG but we may be 5 ft and 3 weeks past that. Closed rooms are making these plants to grow out of control. Will be slowly bending since I think this may be the only option. Thanks friends


Well-Known Member
KBO CA have you ever literally ripped the tops off a plant before?
I honestly can say I would have a hard time doing so. Definitely would be expecting hermi or light yielding plant especially at 1 week flower.

Also BadKittySmiles any suggestions on bending the plants to cause the least amount of stress but still secure?

Thanks for the help

kbo ca

Active Member
yeah its the same thing as topping it won't change the sex of your plant that is absolutley absurd i have no clue how you came up with that. You don't want to take off all the tops just the ones that are about to touch the light and burn. its a common practice for people who cant time their garden properly.


Well-Known Member
yer worried about stressin em into hermies & that's not really a threat here. twist the stems back and forth at the point you wanna bend em till you hear popping (actually you'll feel it more than hear it...) then bend em down; I do this everytime to maintain a smooth canopy sans screen and my buds are awesome. I wouldn't cut em, just bend em down & let the light broadside your tops. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bobbypyn. I'm currently strapping the tops down but what is going to be quite aggravating is the other branches are nearing the 6 ft marker. So this will get interesting to say the least. Appreciate the help.


Well-Known Member
If you're gonna cut anything back, then do it asap considering you are already a week into flowering. Personally, I'd bend the things over and tie em down. You could end up with one hell of a yield! Are those 600's or 1000's hanging above the crop? If you're going the bend the plants down route, it wouldn't hurt to go with 1000s in an effort to get better light penetration. Hope this helps! Good luck!