flowering problems with an LSD strain


Hi! I've germinated 2 LSD seeds on the third week of July(2013), and then I transplanted the seedlings outdoors straight into the ground on July 29th. They are residing in Eastern Europe, at approximately the 49th latitude in a humid continental climate. On a good day, they get about 7-8 hours of sunlight, but what startles me the most is that it's already September 1st and they still haven't started to flower yet. LSD is an indica dominant strain, and from what I know,they usually begin to flower when the dark period amounts to at least 9 hours. So far the duration of the dark period is a 10 and 1/2 hours and still no initiation. Will they ever flower (at least by autumnal equinox) ? Or have I started them way too late in the growing season ?


Well-Known Member
When do you get your first frost? I'm thinking you were about 1 month late getting them growing.


We get our first frost approximately sometime in early-mid November. I will post pictures tomorrow to provide a better insight


Well-Known Member
Hi! I've germinated 2 LSD seeds on the third week of July(2013), and then I transplanted the seedlings outdoors straight into the ground on July 29th. They are residing in Eastern Europe, at approximately the 49th latitude in a humid continental climate. On a good day, they get about 7-8 hours of sunlight, but what startles me the most is that it's already September 1st and they still haven't started to flower yet. LSD is an indica dominant strain, and from what I know,they usually begin to flower when the dark period amounts to at least 9 hours. So far the duration of the dark period is a 10 and 1/2 hours and still no initiation. Will they ever flower (at least by autumnal equinox) ? Or have I started them way too late in the growing season ?
They definitely turn quicker if they are full grown, I have 3 LDS's that are in full flower (aprox. 9ft tall) and I have a young Northern Lights Blue indica dom. that is just getting done with stretch and showing flowers in the last week to 10 days. (42nd lat.)


But shouldn't the rapid decrease in day length at the 49th latitude help the onset of flowering quicker? So far they have nicely vegged for about 30 days and have reached to about 2 - 2.5 feet. Although the duration of the day is decreasing, is there like a finite number of days that the "LSD" strain needs to vegetate for, before it's ready to initiate flowering ?


Well-Known Member
From what I gather, you only vegged them from seed for about a week before placing them outside. You've basically just done a 12/12 from seed, which takes a little longer. I'm sure they will start to transition soon. What nutes are you feeding them? If you are feeding veg nutes, switch to bloom as that sometimes helps kick start the bloom phase.


Correct. But when I transplanted them outdoors, weren't they technically continuing to veg ? I mean they're a photo-period strain whose onset of flowering is triggered by the decrease of day length. I only give them bio-grow once every 10-14 days. But I've heard you shouldn't feed the bio-bloom until about 2nd or 3rd week into flowering. Is that true ?


Well-Known Member
Correct. But when I transplanted them outdoors, weren't they technically continuing to veg ? I mean they're a photo-period strain whose onset of flowering is triggered by the decrease of day length. I only give them bio-grow once every 10-14 days. But I've heard you shouldn't feed the bio-bloom until about 2nd or 3rd week into flowering. Is that true ?
I would think the change in light hours would have been enough to switch them to bloom. I'm not 100% sure but I think I read in the 12/12 from seed thread was that they take a little longer because the plant still needs to mature, before the onset of bloom. I've never done straight from seed to bloom, I always grow the plant to maturity (shows sex) and then take clones, to find out if it's a keeper or not. I have no experience with bio nutes, sorry no help there. I know some nutes you can mix (veg/bloom) during transition and the beginning of the bloom phase, if you can with the bio line, i'd try a small dose and see if it helps force bloom. Or wait for some other advice from peeps that actually use the line. Hope they start blooming soon. Post some pics if you can. Peace!!