Does it look like my plants are ready to switch to 12/12 if so does that mean I should now by a bloom nutrient? Bud yield potention guesses?
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Does it look like my plants are ready to switch to 12/12 if so does that mean I should now by a bloom nutrient? Bud yield potention guesses?
Gawd damn! Now thats a $100 word fo sho! And, yeah, I know wat it means, and well said!Anthropomorphizing plants... nice.
Does it look like my plants are ready to switch to 12/12 if so does that mean I should now by a bloom nutrient? Bud yield potention guesses?
Let it be saidI suggest that you do not go by appearance, to determine when to start 12/12.
ALL growers determine that based on primarily two factors, 1, The Space or Height that they have to grow,2 the Maturity, well, 3, and how much TIME do they want to wait.
A very knowledgable grower here, named fdd2blk taught me something a along time ago. It is not logical, or wise or smart to make babies have babies and if you start plants FLOWERING at an early age, that is what you are doing, making babies have babies. It is much wiser and smarter and better to let you babies become women, or let them mature first, before you force them to make babies.
Consider a ten year old child, that is not an adult, getting pregnant and having a baby. Not only does it really stress the mother and child, the new baby will be premature, maybe deformed, and probably just messed up. Let that child grow up and mature first, then let the adult have a baby. Same theory applies to pot. Let that plant be a maute adult first, then 12/12 it.
Now I get an average of 3 + ounces per plant, after VEGGING 5 weeks in HYDRO before starting 12/12. I think soil is possibly longer.