Flowering..smells like tonsil stones


I'm in my 5th week flowering. Nirvana blackjack, buds coming in very nicely.

it had practically no smell throughout the grow thus far, and I go into my tent today and BAM it stinks so fkn bad.. Not good bad like fruity or hashy. Literally stinks like tooth decay and tonsil stones...if you never smelt a t stone before it is the worst thing ever.

i researched common odors for bj, should smell spicy and fruity. I couldn't even do my maintaince today I almost threw up. I'm feeding with gh 3-part and calmag+. What do you think would cause this terrible smell? Temps have been 75-80 humidity 30%. 600w hps + 13w uvb. She's super healthy, green leaves no claws or burns. at first I thought it was mold but my humidity has been low and I don't see any signs.



Well-Known Member
Some strains will smell earthy. But if its a putrid, funk smell it could be root rot or some type of root issues. I have heard some people talk about plants smelling like baby poop though, that's pretty strange if you ask me. Hopefully it's just a natural smell.


Just checked my res (dwc), smells like potatoes. White roots, ph 5.9. I think roots are ok.

i have heard of poop weed..down here it's called dawg shit. Really potent.

i hope after a good cure or a few more weeks of flower the smell will start changing. If it doesn't I just hope it doesn't TASTE like rotting teeth..