Flowering well - but how will I know when it's ready?


Active Member
Hello. I am having fun with my first grow and the plants seem to be doing really well, but I have a question about when to harvest the buds?

I have attached a photo of the top of the plant flowering and I can see crystals all over the place so I'd love some advice on when to harvest.

Thank you for your time.




Well-Known Member
going to need more info...outdoors? in ground? or in pot? or indoors?

how long has it been flowering? Have you looked at the tricombs?



Active Member
Sure thing. The plant is growing outdoors in Southern California. It has been flowering for a month approximately - I actually didn't note when it started - just guessing.

I haven't looked at the tricombs - I'm not sure where to look.



Well-Known Member
Nice BIG cola . . . sativa?
Hard to say how long. Need to see those trichomes (all that white stuff) up close to be accurate.
If you're still feeding this plant nitrogen, I'd stop myself. It's plenty green.
Ya might check this out? Harvest time....... a tutorial.


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb is when 2/3rds of the hairs are orange/red, or when the thrichomes (crystals) go from clear to very cloudy.