flowering with a metal halide?


New Member
it would get lots of bud..you can use jus a MH throught veg and flowering..Hps would be better becuz of the spectrum but Metal halide will get it done!!


Well-Known Member
I have seen it stated that using a MH for vege has in some peoles opinions produced a higher quality bud....more resinous and more compact....but you lose on yeild....the HPS will max yeild and speed to yeild. but then....I'm prolly wrong (thanks YGF)


Well-Known Member
yield is definately alot smaller. as for quality, that is pure opinion - honestly theres so many variables/factors in growing that you would need a double blind experiment to really see if MH produces higher quality. ive seen HPS produce superior quality weed than MH - but that was because the MH grow wasnt given as much nutrients as the HPS grow. its hard to get weed better when you're using 1000watts and $100 of nutrients, but ppl say MH is a little better in terms of quality. here's my first grow from last year after veg/flower with a 1000watt MH, it was FIRE and DANK as shit!! youll definately be happy.



Well-Known Member
I'm flowering under a balanced spectrum metal halide, and it seems to be working just fine. This is my first grow though, so don't take my word for it. My plants are healthy though. YOu can get what's called a MH-HPS conversion bulb if you don't have a switchable ballast. I need to get a new bulb soon so I can see how they respond to the HPS.


im doin my first indoor grow and am using mh w/ a few cfls, currently in flower, doesnt look bad to me.


Well-Known Member
ive heard both sides of the story .... ppl say that hps is way better for flowering ... and some ppl say that there is a slight diffrence ... i tihnk some ppl just like to justify some things...... Uh oh ..


Well-Known Member
lol 1000 watts of hps or mh will do the job. we all know mh is better for veg and hps is better for flower but a 1000 watt mh/hps does a damn good job either way lol.


Well-Known Member
skunkman - there are no 2 sides, mh is proven to be superior for veg while hps is superior for flowering. ive seen it myself, anyone who uses mh/hps will agree. its not rocket science, both are awesome, and noones trying to justify anything.


Well-Known Member
skunkman - there are no 2 sides, mh is proven to be superior for veg while hps is superior for flowering. ive seen it myself, anyone who uses mh/hps will agree. its not rocket science, both are awesome, and noones trying to justify anything.
ok granted im not disagreeing bro.. im saying if i had only one system (which i did, Which was a 1000w sungro MH) and i didnt the whole cycle using that and once i got my 1000w sun gro hps i did a grow with just that ... and if u were to chose just one bublb to grow with it deff be MH ... or get a expensive conversion bulb ... or get a hps ballast which u can use standard mh lights in the hps ballast .. either or .. i wud choose the MH bro ..... hands down ...


Well-Known Member
ok granted im not disagreeing bro.. im saying if i had only one system (which i did, Which was a 1000w sungro MH) and i didnt the whole cycle using that and once i got my 1000w sun gro hps i did a grow with just that ... and if u were to chose just one bublb to grow with it deff be MH ... or get a expensive conversion bulb ... or get a hps ballast which u can use standard mh lights in the hps ballast .. either or .. i wud choose the MH bro ..... hands down ...
i hear ya, im not sure which one id pick. i currently have a 1000watt switchable, but if i had to pick..hmm, i know mh would turn the plants into enormous beasts - while hps would keep them growing but not nearly as fast. the buds wouldnt be nearly as thick under mh, but in order to get those plants large in the first place then mh would be optimal. switchable for the true win!

if i had to pick, i might just go with MH too - simply because mh will veg them alot faster, and i cant stand waiting to flower. however, i just got my switchable a month ago so i could go HPS on day 1 of flowering - i still love my HPS.


Well-Known Member
lol ya bro i deff love mine too :).... elts start a HUGE UNBELEIVEABLE grow co-op haha ...i wanna do one so bad .. just dont trust anyone ... ort he ones i do trust i dontt hink they wud wan. or donthave the $$ or the time or the knowledge?.. i cud teach but i get frustrated i wud end up doing everything myself haha


Well-Known Member
may as well go with a HPS conversion bulb at the least. Mh tends to create very leafy buds from what i've seen.


Well-Known Member
just dont trust anyone ... ort he ones i do trust i dontt hink they wud wan. or donthave the $$ or the time or the knowledge?.. i cud teach but i get frustrated i wud end up doing everything myself haha
hahahaha i hear you on that one. you either got to have the cash or the knowledge or the time. the more you got of each, the more bud you got.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha i hear you on that one. you either got to have the cash or the knowledge or the time. the more you got of each, the more bud you got.
well billy bob i have bout 3 or 4 places picked out for in april to plant .. all beside a creek so odnt have to worry bout drouting ..come over im gunna use some clones and such to do some of the spots(Widow, big bud, red shiva, purple power and pry skunk) so come over and lets get it to it in april haha


Well-Known Member
i flowered mine under MH for about 4 weeks before switching over to HPS. do you guys think i will still get good buds? i still have quite a while to go before harvest...and you're right, MH in veg will give you HUGE fucking plants-i vegged for too long too, and now my plants are taller than me! i might even have to relocate bc i can't even raise the light anymore. my next grow will be perfect tho ;-)