

Active Member
I have no idea what flowering is why its important, what it does and if its acually really neccessary or if I could just harvest the plants with out even flowering so anyone who can take the time to help a newbie out it would be greatly appreciated in as much detail as possible.


Well-Known Member
You need to flower because Flowering is when you get your buds to smoke. Without flowering you would just keep growing until it died.


Well-Known Member
i have been on this site maybe a month now mainly reading..a post here or there...even in the extremely stoned state of mind i am in right now something just didn't sound right or is it me?... buy the jorge cervantes books or vids dude they wil help you :confused:


Well-Known Member
the buds you smoke are flowers. if you want to have something to smoke, you have to flower the plant. come on now.


Well-Known Member
I have read the guide and those are my questions
You have to read more than just the title of the thread lol..... keep reading.... then read some more.... then look for pics.... the reread it again. My join date may be last month but I have been lurking here for a good 6 months just reading. Google is another great tool to find answers to your questions.


Active Member
Why would you want to grow weed if you don't know the simplest things about it? This is what you do, grow the plants and once it starts looking like candy cut all that off and send it to me. Then you take the stems and roots and chop them all up and smoke up!!!


Well-Known Member
i think flowering is the most over rated part of growing. I stopped flowering plants a couple years ago now i just throw a couple hundred seeds in a pot and a week after they sprout i harvest and roll it up into a joint.


i think flowering is the most over rated part of growing. I stopped flowering plants a couple years ago now i just throw a couple hundred seeds in a pot and a week after they sprout i harvest and roll it up into a joint.
haha lol!!!