

Active Member
Im getting ready to flower soon........ I hope. Im told that when the lights are off they cant even get a pin hole of light? is this true? and this could cause seeds? It seems like I couldnt get seeds without males.


Well-Known Member
One of the biggest "stress" factors to a plant in flower is light leaking through into a pitch black room. The plant can turn into a hermaphrodite and pollenate itself, thus causing seeds with no male plants present. Not a big deal if you want some beans, but it seriously detracts from the plants flower development as most of it's energy is focused on seed production. There are many other things that can cause a plant to "herm" on you. Mine are in a closet that is by no means leakproof and my light in the room undeniably leaks into the grow area, yet I've only had one hermis in 5 years using this space, so personally, I don't buy into the "tiniest light leak ruins the crop" line, but it can't hurt to minimize the risk.


Active Member
My cab is in a closet and I know it's not 100% lightproof. So far no problems, I just make it as dark as I can by covering leaks up when the lights go out in my cab


Well-Known Member
Skittles, man................skittles. (did you post something)

A agree, some light is ok, outdoor grows are subject to a number of lights, including cars, street lights, porch lights,...the moon.


Active Member
If you can get your grow space totally light proof it's definitely a plus, especially if you're chasing down hermie problems. It's just one more thing to cross off


Active Member
i agree with led hed if they get too stressed they will turn hermaphrodite and pollenate itself
light can also slow down the groth i have a grow in a cuboard and i think light leak has slowed down the grow??
warped and ledhed have you found your groth being delayed atall?
i got told minimum light u should have leaked in is as brightness as the moon...


Well-Known Member
IMO, it's a crock of shit, to an extent.
If there is a small constant light leak from the start, you should be fine. INTRODUCE a new constant leak and you are inviting problems.

Sensi grows perfectly fine under the moonlight and has been doing so for many many many years.

Light leaks are not the ONLY source of herms, but it's the first thing everyone always points to.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I am totally convinced that theoretically, light leaks can lead to hermies. BUT I'm also convinced that this is vefry much a function of the genetic stability of the plants to begin with. Simply put - some strains are very sensitive to tiny light leaks while others shrug it off. I grow Norhtern Lights, a very stable old strain, exclusively. I don't go to nearly the pains now that I used to to avoid small light leaks, and I still have never had a hermie.

Yet, I'm sure others have had plants hermie with the same light leaks I have had. So there ya go, you have to know what you're growing. And if you are growing multiple strains, you have to attend to the weaknesses of each.


Active Member
Northern lights is what it is, trying that for the first time as its known to be an easyer grow and more resilliant to conditions