Fluence spydr 2i turning off?


Well-Known Member
So I just hung up 1 of my spydr 2i in yesterday, on a timer, and as I was tying my plants down, the light went off. I ASSUMED it was a faulty timer. So I disconnected the timer and plugged the light in to the outlett [which turned on] and went on my way. My brother calls me later that day to tell me "lights off again" which really really freaked me put. I don't have any experience with leds ESPECIALLY this caliber I was wondering if anyone could help me out ? I am running 120 volt and an Easy set digital timer
So I just hung up 1 of my spydr 2i in yesterday, on a timer, and as I was tying my plants down, the light went off. I ASSUMED it was a faulty timer. So I disconnected the timer and plugged the light in to the outlett [which turned on] and went on my way. My brother calls me later that day to tell me "lights off again" which really really freaked me put. I don't have any experience with leds ESPECIALLY this caliber I was wondering if anyone could help me out ? I am running 120 volt and an Easy set digital timer
If brand spanking new dont mess with it call the company your got it from.
So I just hung up 1 of my spydr 2i in yesterday, on a timer, and as I was tying my plants down, the light went off. I ASSUMED it was a faulty timer. So I disconnected the timer and plugged the light in to the outlett [which turned on] and went on my way. My brother calls me later that day to tell me "lights off again" which really really freaked me put. I don't have any experience with leds ESPECIALLY this caliber I was wondering if anyone could help me out ? I am running 120 volt and an Easy set digital timer
What else do you have running on the same circuit? Could it be overloading when something else is turned on causing the breaker to pop?
Have other outlets been tried getting the same results? I’m not so sure of the issue, just tossing ideas at you in hopes they help.
If nothing here made sense, then the fixture may be faulty. Thumper is on the money with his suggestion if that’s the case.
What else do you have running on the same circuit? Could it be overloading when something else is turned on causing the breaker to pop?
Have other outlets been tried getting the same results? I’m not so sure of the issue, just tossing ideas at you in hopes they help.
If nothing here made sense, then the fixture may be faulty. Thumper is on the money with his suggestion if that’s the case.
Good point I assumed that had been checked.
So it's not brand new, my buddy moved and I got em for the time being, only problem is I can not get in touch w this kid. It's not tripping a breaker because it turns back on after a lil while but yea ill get in touch w the company n see what they say thanks for the replies guys:eyesmoke:
Maybe look into whether or not Fluence used a fuse, or fuses, in the construction of this light? Some high end manufacturers do, and you may have blown one, or are getting ready to.
so i know nothing about anything electricity. u think the light has its own fuse? the thing is it turns off for maybe 30 minutes and then turns back on. and i have a bubble cloner plugged in to the same outlett and that stays on. i have 2 more lights and 1 ballast so ill mix and match today see if that changes anyuthing
so i know nothing about anything electricity. u think the light has its own fuse? the thing is it turns off for maybe 30 minutes and then turns back on. and i have a bubble cloner plugged in to the same outlett and that stays on. i have 2 more lights and 1 ballast so ill mix and match today see if that changes anyuthing
Sounds like a bad driver. There were lots of failures on one of their lights.
1212ham is correct, a bad driver is more likely. I mentioned the fuses because they are used by some manufacturers (no idea which ones off the top of my head other than Timber), and it just happened to pop into my head while I was reading this thread.