Flush or no Flush


Well-Known Member
I am sure this has been discussed somewhere in this thread before but I can not locate it. Does Subcool recommend flushing with his supersoil? I plan to use it next run with only water as he recommends.

I have never done a 100% organic run like this so I am looking forward to it.

Some say no flush is necessary when doing organics but wanted to get Subcools opion on this since he is the master and creator of this method.
it is not physically possible to "flush" supersoil, so there is no debate.

...this is true, the ingredients are organic and safe. flushing is for those who use chemical and chealted fertilizers. flushing with plain water helps remove excess fertilizer and salt buildup in your grow medium. if you are using supersoil just continue to use plain ph'd water till the end....unless you notice any plant deficiencies before harvest window...
yup a third vote for - not that its unnecesary but its almost impossible...would take soooooo much flushing you would have a hydro system when your done lol
in organic soil the nutrients are "locked away" in organic matter (humus, clay particles, etc.) and cannot be "flushed" or washed out of solution the way that soluble salt-based chemical chelated nutrients can. Basically, if you try and flush you will just be drowning your plants at a time when they should be naturally drying (periods of drought towards the end of flower tend to boost flower size/potency IMO) and there will be no true benefit. Flushing is one of those myths that is somehow picked up by organic growers even though it is a 100% chemical related process. If you do not use gnarly chem fertilizers, you will never need to flush. Period. Kane said it perfectly. End of discussion.
Thank you all for the advice. I can not wait to try my first run in Subcools soil made fully to the recipe, and with water only!
I use super soil style soil and recycle it. I use water only with no runoff. Recently I decided to try some flushing with R/O water because some plants were finishing deep green and when that happens it seems like they foxtail and don't really want to finish. The runoff (2-4 liters) was as high as 3500ppm during the first flush. It was down to about 2500 during the second flush and 1500 during the third. So flushing can work with organic soil. It washes out soluble ferts faster than breakdown in the soil can replace them.

So if it is finishing dark green I figure it I overferted and will reammend with less next time (chicken manure). If the plants are fading toward the end but you still got good yields then you got the ferts right and I don't see any reason flushing should be necessary.