Flushing after cutting?


Active Member
So due to some unfortunate events I had to cut my girls down 2 weeks earlier than I wanted to. Without a full flush. Ive read somewhere that you can cut off the branches and set them in a cup of water to flush them. Does anyone know if this will work? Thanks :peace:


New Member
I don't think so.

Next time dig the roots out with the plant instead of cutting them.... u'd stand a much better chance of them being able to draw water.

Of course I hope there isn't a next time.....


Active Member

depending on how many leaves u have left it will work to a limited degree

but it nothing thats gonna happen overnight.

for all intents and purposes youd be water cloning

maybe 2 3 days under low lights inside, maybe.

i dont know one way or the other, but theoreticly it should work if given enough time


New Member
It just won't have enough capillaries to get the water up to the buds. If it was a small plant perhaps, but these I'm imagining are quite large. Sorry....


Active Member

thats why youd need low lights to slow down photosythesis and reduce water uptake.

any differance is better than none id imagine