Flushing and re-using soilless mix


Well-Known Member
I’m coming to the end of a 2 light indoor grow in Pro-mix HP. I have the plants in 3 gallon containers and fed them Jack’s nutrients. I used fresh pro-mix and I’m wondering… if I flush the plants with straight ph water before cutting them down, is that enough flush to reuse the mix for my next round? What I’m considering is flushing the plants for 4-5 days with water, then not watering for a few days (2-3) before cutting the plants down. I am curious, if I pull the root balls out of each pot and just keep flushing the empty pots daily for a few days and dumping the run-off, will this be sufficient to get the pro-mix to a ‘like new’ condition? Or should I just toss it and start fresh?? My plants look fine and never had any real issues with bugs or feeding but I’m hesitant to start a new grow if there’s going to be traces of nutrients in the mix that stunt the next round. Anyone have success with getting at least two grows out of soilless mix??

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No problems,I always fed the dirt after a flush then transplant into.Nice and moist and dont have to water after transplant then.
I'd dump the pot in a tote and then pull the rootball out. Then back into the 3 gal. You could also get an enzyme to help break down any remaining roots too if you wanted.
Thanks. So my plan seems doable at least. Didn’t know about the enzyme part. Do old roots have much of a negative impact?
Enzymes will break down the roots and turn it into food for the plant. I'm in organic no-till soil so I just leave the rootball in and let the microbes break it down. Then plant another plant in its place.

With coco you might not want all those roots. It might lead to root issues with the new plant. I don't know. I don't grow in coco and have never tried it. Enzymes would probably be a good idea with coco. It's good stuff but kinda expensive.
I just removed as much as I could,roots that is.Promix is inert so feed away.Same as coco just gotta keep an eye on pH.Holds water so a hand full of perlite helps.
Any idea how many runs is possibly in pro-mix if flushed correctly after each run? 2-3? Endless?
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