Flushing for phosphate buildup.


Active Member
Hello. I am on my 13th day of my first flood & drain grow. Its actually my first grow away from soil. Everything is going really well at the moment im really happy with it.

Ive read phosphates can build up on roots and cause lock out issues. My water is RO and always ph balanced and ive already changed my rez once. However I haven't just run RO water with H202 and dumped because ive only got 1 100L water storage tank snd my res is 100L. Also anyone with an RO system knows how long it takes to fill 100L :shock:.

I really want this rate of growth and healthness in my plants to continue. Should I thinks about flushing my system and components every 2 weeks as a precautionary measure.

20140902_043449.jpg Day of transplant

20140913_213241.jpg20140913_213241.jpg11 days later.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if flushing is required, I've never done it, but I'm a total hydro nube. You may have to increase the frequency of your res change though. At full flower I change the res every 6-7 days using a 130 litres of water. When my Ph starts to drop I change it. Also you may want to have a look at running pondzyme or other beneficial, i run H2O2 as well but may switch due to better results on my last run. Good luck.