

Well-Known Member
Yes, it'll flush anything that can impact the taste... most notedly.. things that are not 100% organic, or systemic pesticides to control headaches in that respect.


Active Member
"We" don't.. some do.. some don't.. everyone has a reason.

I would only flush if I screwed up my soil so badly I had to back out of it and hope for the best..

I 'have' flushed.. I'm certain I will again.. but they are few and far between harvests knock on wood.

For me it is always a last and little used measure.

For others flushingis part of their end of harvest ritual and everyone has a reason.


Well-Known Member
"We" don't.. some do.. some don't.. everyone has a reason.

I would only flush if I screwed up my soil so badly I had to back out of it and hope for the best..

I 'have' flushed.. I'm certain I will again.. but they are few and far between harvests knock on wood.

For me it is always a last and little used measure.

For others flushingis part of their end of harvest ritual and everyone has a reason.
Agreed, only 2 reasons I'd flush would be severe toxicity of something causing plant to spiral out of control, or the use of systemic pesticides to control pests.. other than that, typically not needed.
Okay thanks guys can I explain why I asked this flushing question!
Last week I harvested my 4 ladies I didn't FLUSH, I'm not a smoker myself so have know idea what it would taste like.
I hung them above my 100 watt light for 12 hours light and 12 hours dark for 4 days to dry.

Two weeks before I cut them i ran out of feed BUD-XL ... A Friend who finished his harvest of 14 plants gave me his left over feed from his tank, So I watered it down 3 parts water 1 part his feed in a 2ltr bottle,

Now the reason for this post... I got 8oz of bud from my 4 ladies Remember not Flushed and I found a guy 300mls away willing to buy the lot from me.. Well he did, I got a great price too so I was very happy to drive and deliver my goods..

Now he sent me a msg saying he would buy more of the same! Question did he really like it!! Or was it harsh!! Will he buy more or just want me back up 300mls to get me beat up!!!

Hope all this makes sense thanks for reading...

Newbie relaxed LOL


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks guys can I explain why I asked this flushing question!
Last week I harvested my 4 ladies I didn't FLUSH, I'm not a smoker myself so have know idea what it would taste like.
I hung them above my 100 watt light for 12 hours light and 12 hours dark for 4 days to dry.

Two weeks before I cut them i ran out of feed BUD-XL ... A Friend who finished his harvest of 14 plants gave me his left over feed from his tank, So I watered it down 3 parts water 1 part his feed in a 2ltr bottle,

Now the reason for this post... I got 8oz of bud from my 4 ladies Remember not Flushed and I found a guy 300mls away willing to buy the lot from me.. Well he did, I got a great price too so I was very happy to drive and deliver my goods..

Now he sent me a msg saying he would buy more of the same! Question did he really like it!! Or was it harsh!! Will he buy more or just want me back up 300mls to get me beat up!!!

Hope all this makes sense thanks for reading...

Newbie relaxed LOL
Depends on your dry/cure methods and times.. just as much as what could have been in it, and grow conditions.. a perfect plant that you dont dry properly or cure long enough will still be harsh even if there's no chemicals in the plant at all, it may even taste 'green', like you're rolling up wet leaves and smokin' chlorophyll. Is why much emphasis is put on proper dry/cure.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is/always will be useless. It's the stupidest thing in the world. I wish I could find out who started the idea and smack them silly. Roots don't "store" nutrients for a rainy day. Leaves don't either. You aren't flushing anything. I can tell you what you are doing you're starving them of nutrients, but wait. They grow faster when they're starving(even dumber). Yea sure if you have a nutrient lock up it's a good idea to replace nutrient water with pH'd water but flushing? No, please no.

It's funny, you go to any other forum about cultivation and you mention flushing they'd think you bumped your head. But the mystical cannabis plant oh it definitely needs to be flushed!


Well-Known Member
I wish I could find out who started the idea and smack them silly.
I don't flush. Mr2shim cracks me up.

I hung them above my 100 watt light for 12 hours light and 12 hours dark for 4 days to dry.
I would be more concerned about your drying methods. Drying and curing affects taste more than anything and is the most important part of the grow in my opinion.

Check out this thread from SimonD on perfect curing: Click Here.


Well-Known Member
I don't flush. Mr2shim cracks me up.

I would be more concerned about your drying methods. Drying and curing affects taste more than anything and is the most important part of the grow in my opinion.

Check out this thread from SimonD on perfect curing: Click Here.
In order of importance

Growing>Drying/Trimming>Curing---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't flush
