Flying domestically with seeds?

Making a trek from west coast to east coast and then back.

A friend has 30 seeds I ordered and had sent to him (east coast). In hind-sight, it was stupid, but oh well, nothing I can do about it now.

Need to get them back and I have a flight with 3 layovers.

Or, USPS to my own address?


I know "In 'der poopenhausen is possible, but, only as a last resort".....

Wrong forum noob?


Active Member
They are not legal to transport. I wouldn't just cause a dog could be at any of your layovers. Just wrap them up in something and send them UPS. It's safer.


Active Member
Yes, mail it to an address. If you're bent on flying with them then here's what ya do: rub yourself in coffee, put some coffee in your plastic baggy with your seeds and put them in your pocket. If you get pulled over to the side, the pat down is fast and they barely check you out thoroughly. I think you can pull it off easily, but don't do it to yourself, just mail it.
I am definitely NOT dead-set on flying with them, since one of my layovers is in the deep south (insert banjo pluckin' music here). The dog issue worries me a ton! Also, I am flying with the wife, and she is NOT AT ALL fond of the idea of being with me while I have anything on me.

I am just going to UPS them to myself. Or, should I go USPS?

However, another legally based question...

Since I live in a state where I have my medical marijuana license, and the seeds will be sent from a fake address with a fake name, I should be ok even if "the man" catches them in transit, because once I take legal possession of them in my home state, I will be under the jurisdiction of my state laws, where seeds are legal for me to possess? My thinking is as long as they cannot prove that I sent them, they cannot press charges, since the only time I will have possession will be once they reach me in my home state. If they do pick them up in transit, I can just say, "Those are not mine, I did not send them to myself, I don't even know who the hell the sender is" and learn my lesson.

More thoughts?

Also, thanks for the great feedback so far. The strains are Serious Seeds White Rhino, Sagarmatha Kwik Kali, and Sagarmatha Western Winds.

Yes, mail it to an address. If you're bent on flying with them then here's what ya do: rub yourself in coffee, put some coffee in your plastic baggy with your seeds and put them in your pocket. If you get pulled over to the side, the pat down is fast and they barely check you out thoroughly. I think you can pull it off easily, but don't do it to yourself, just mail it.