Folding leaves w/ droopy stems


Hey, folks.

Outdoor grower here (Zone 3/4). Can anyone help me identify what's going on with my plants?

I sprayed lightly w/ Dr Zymes the other nite for a couple pests and woke to find a lot of them in this state (see: attached). Not sure if their condition is related to the treatment but thought it was worth mentioning.

Admittedly, I don't water as often as I should but that's never seemed to be a problem in the past or at least it hasn't resulted in detectable symptoms. We haven't gotten much rain recently and the weather conditions have been dry, sunny, and hot (or "hot" for an Upper Midwest location).

Curious what folks see when they take a look. Thanks for taking the time!


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did you over do the quantaties when folier spraying? probably a stupid question, but its not unherd of for growers to over do things in qan effort to make sure it worked.
water them and folier spray them with water for faster results, it will wash off excess dr zymez and water them at the same time.
try that so you can cross it off the list
I would have to say they look very thirsty. Dig down a little bit away from the roots to see how moist it is.

I have had tomato plants look like that when an underground pest cuts through the stem below the surface of the dirt, and then the plant dies. Hopefully it’s not that.

I would give them a drink or at least one of them and see if it perks back up.
If the sun is too intense, the plants may not be able to replace the moisture as fast as it’s losing it.
Look very much like they could do with a nice hefty few pints :-D :D :-D defo looks like a drought going on there
Lots of H20 and they should bounce back.
Thanks for your positivity, honestly. I brought them each a couple gallons of water yesterday and then again tonite. We got .3" of rain today which wasn't much but better than nothing. I've just never seen anything like it with my plants. This year is my first year incorporating peat moss into my medium.. I suspect water is running thru that more readily than I'm used to. Care to weigh in on how much water is too much? If need be, I could bring 50 gallons at a time to my garden and basically flood my beds. Is that crazy talk?? I'm about 72 hours into finding my plants like this so please forgive me if all I can do is give it water & time. For your two cents, attached are a couple pics of the current state of affairs. Thanks again for your time and insights.


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"Admittedly, I don't water as often as I should.."

Well water them and see if they perk up.
I can appreciate how near-sighted my inquiry is as the plants def look like they just want a drink. I've just never seen my plants act like this is all and it happened overnite and seemingly in tandem with a foliar application.. feels a little alarming. Couple gals of H2O per plant yesterday, a couple again today with .3" of rain in between (not a lot but better than nothing). Feels like a sunny day would just fry a couple in their current state (please see: attached). Care to weigh in on how much water might be too much? And/or how long I should expect them to take to bounce back assuming I'm bringing them enough water? Each plant got about 2 gals tonite.. safe to assume I should bring them the same first thing in the AM? Please, forgive my rambling questions.. it's 2 AM here and well past my bedtime.


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