Foliage Feeding?


Well-Known Member
Is it more beneficial to foliage feed your plants or just on a regular?
Foliar feeding is good for quickly correcting a nutrient deficiency or if you suspect lockout. Other than that I don't see the point.........that's what roots are for.;-)


Well-Known Member
I recently done some reading on foliar feeding and found that it was studied intensively, and determined that plants absorb nutrients 8-10 times more efficiently through this type of feeding. I'm thinking about feeding one of my next generation, with foliar only.(a soil grow) I even plan to do it for the first half of bloom, maybe a little later, just to see how it works out. I'm aware of the potential for bud mold, but as long as the buds aren't really densely formed yet, and they don't get soaked, the risk is minimal.(as long as they're fed at the right time of the day)

I'm really curious to see how it would work out. So, I'll create a thread to follow the progress, if I decide to give it a shot. :cool: