Foliage Pro vs. Maxigro

Old Fogy

I've been using Foliage Pro with good results but I've read a few people say that maxigro is just as good with a better bang for your buck being dry and whatnot. Anyone here have experience using both?


Active Member
One advantage I have found w/ FP is that when mixing up solutions that may sit around for several days in 5 gal. buckets is that it is pH stable over time. Not so the MaxiGrow.

This is without aeration. MaxiGrow, if aerated in a reservoir, is fine pH wise.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
How about you look at both and see which one is cheaper and easier to use.
If that does not decide it.....Run a side by side and see which works best for you!
Not like you wouldn't use up the loser in time eh?
