Foliar Feed/Residue/Powder Molds

Dick Moser

Active Member
BAM!! ok im kinda getting annoyed by some of the asinine, and almost retarded, comments i see while surfing this illustrius and majestic site of magic. people are posting pictures of their labors of love, such sweet little ladies and i have to read the dumbest and almost rude troll posts sya things like "wow, how could you let that mold get so bad" or "DUDE, HARVEST NOW THATS MOLD" and other ignorant and painful suggestions and comments. so all i am asking is that if you own or know of any good pictures that can point out the massive difference i would really appreciate it. some of the residues i have seen on plants that might have beeen mold, is heavy leaf feeding residue, sulfur dust, pollen, all kinda crap. i dont have any pictures of mold or residue or i would post personally. im just asking for some help educating the ignorant.