Foliar Feeding

I'm looking to go to foliar feeding on my second grow which right now is in its first week of 12/12. I use the General Hydroponics 3 part flora series and here comes the question. HOW MUCH DO I MIX PER GALLON OF THE THREE NUTRIENTS (GROW, MICRO, AND BLOOM)? There unfortunetly is no schedule for foliar feeding only root feeding. The reason I am looking to go this way is because i've heard that i can get better yield and have a stronger healthier overall plant. I am probably going to mix in some epsom salt for mg and hydrated lime for calcium into the foliar feed as well, unless I shouldn't do that and instead mix into the water when I regularly water the plant. So I guess thats a general second question I have, DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY FOLIAR FEEDING IDEAS, TIPS OR TRICKS SO MY PLANT DOESN'T GET ANY DEFICIENCIES AND STAYS HEALTHY. bongsmilie :peace:


Well-Known Member
If you're getting deficiencies, foliar feeding shouldn't be your fix-all solution. You're supposed to feed in conjunction with traditional feedings. Legallyflying posted in another thread (search it) what he uses for foliar feeds, with great results.