Folk Medicine Pantry Update Beta Version 5 . 0


Well-Known Member
I view Folk Medicine as a Personal Pantry of ingredients that increase when finding a new ingredient that works .

I have added Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to my Pantry ,

New Pantry List

1. Strong Coffee
2. Raw Garlic or Garlic Powder ( Garlic Powder works almost as good as Raw Garlic ; but Garlic Powder is easier on the Intestines .
3. Loisianna Hot Sauce .
4, ( New ) ;Strong Peppermint Tea or Peppermint Candy or diluted Peppermint Essential OIl ( Essential Oils must be diluted or they will burn you .
5. ( New ) ;Braggs or another brand or Organic Apple Cider Vinigar .

I will come back to this thread later an be more specific what I use these ingrediets for and what dosages I use .

I view Folk Medicine as a Personal Pantry of ingredients that increase when finding a new ingredient that works .

I have added Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to my Pantry ,

New Pantry List

1. Strong Coffee
2. Raw Garlic or Garlic Powder ( Garlic Powder works almost as good as Raw Garlic ; but Garlic Powder is easier on the Intestines .
3. Loisianna Hot Sauce .
4, ( New ) ;Strong Peppermint Tea or Peppermint Candy or diluted Peppermint Essential OIl ( Essential Oils must be diluted or they will burn you .
5. ( New ) ;Braggs or another brand or Organic Apple Cider Vinigar .

I will come back to this thread later an be more specific what I use these ingrediets for and what dosages I use .

Seriously lol
There is a book shown in the video above ; Mayo Clinic Alternative Medicine .

Here is a photo of the book ; I bought the book ( in used condition ) yesterday on the internet for 5 dollars .
New condition is 20 dollars .

I don't get any money of barter points for mentioning this book . If you feel like deleting this post because it borders on spam ,
feel free and I won't mention things in the future .


I thought the book sounded valuable because they mentioned the book talks about Ephedra is no longer over the counter because it has been deemed dangerous and if taken in too high of a dose is lethal . I paid 5 dollars for a used book . Should arrive where I live no later than Febuary 5th .


Folk Medicine Panty and Concoction Update .

So far I am having positive results with adding small amount of Raw Unfiltered Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to my concoction .
So now my daily tonic formula and why .

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder .
1/2 teaspoon Louisianna Hot Sauce
1 teaspoon Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider vinegar
12 ounces of favorite dilution liquid ( I add 12 ounces of diet lemon lime carbonated drink to the other ingredients )

As I read about drinking the vinegar it gets very contreversial because of all of the medical diseases that may or may not make sense to take apple cider vinegar as a medicine .

All of this gets into many different medical conditions .

For me the vinegar helps me for two reasons . It is acidic and since I am over 65 years old , my stomach produces less stomach acid and so taking the vinegar and hot sauce is acidic and helps break down food in my stomach ,

Secondly , part of the reasons I have type two diabetes is that I am not digesting my food at a normal rate and so my blood sugar goes up due to my food just sitting their in my gut for a much longer time . Therefore the unfiltered organic raw unfiltered vinegar adds good bacteria to my gut and the louisiana hot sauce might travel into my gut and help break down my food quicker . The garlic powder kills bad bacteria in my gut and my blood stream , Because garlic powder raises my blood oxygen in my blood , I get an increase in the number of mitochondria in my body and also an increased efficiency of the mitochondria in my body which helps energy availability in the body .

Here are a couple of links that get into up to date reasearch on Microbiome Project .

" "
" "

If you prefer , rather than reading any of those two links , you could do a search engine search on
" The Human Microme Project "
All of these can be combined with research on type 1 or 2 diabetes , and other digestive diseases like Chrones or Spastic Colon condition or Irratible Bowel Syndrome and many other digestive disorders and diseases , and it all gets intertwined and with a lot of scholarly and spam driven debates . Many spam research leads to a doctor or people like that who have discovered a secret for arthritis and so forth ( like videos on you tube ) you have to read 20 pages just to get to the point , which is a big joke on the reader because they suckered the reader into reader to read 20 pages and all they want is you to buy some service from these and it is just a frustrating waste of time .

So basically the three points I am making here is that I have added Apple Cider raw unfiltered vinegar to my daily concoction or tonic or whatever you want to call it , and that so far I have had positive results .

secondly I am guessing taking the apple cider vinegar is similar to taking probiotics , but the vinegar is acidic and the probiotics are not acidic .

The third point I want to make , is that new intense resease is taking place , I think it started at the NIH National institute of Health " ,

The two links I have found that are the best I have found so far are ;

" "
" "

I have no idea if posting links is considered spam , so if the powers that be don't like my post , they are free to delete this post and I will understand that they consider this spam or improper ,

P.S. I forgot to mention coffee as part of my daily tonic . I still drink instant coffee as part of my daily routine , but I now drink my coffee seperate from the other ingredients of my daily therapy , and mix the other ingredients together and mix them with diet soda pop ( because I have type 2 diabetes , I drink diet soda )

Also I forget to add a third link describing the Human Microbiome .

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I just learned there is a phase two project at NIH called " The Integrative Human Microbiome Project "

Here is a link at National Institure of Health for this Project ,

" "

And I just found this link which is very helpful for understanding phase two of the Human_Microbiome_Project

called the ( Integrative Human Microbiome Project (iHMP) ) .

" "

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Apple Cider Organic Raw Unfiltered .
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There are many doctors that state this vinegar is harmful for people with certain medical conditions .
I only drink 1 teaspoon per day of this vinegar and I drink it diluted .
I don't have the money to buy prebiotics or probiotics .
Wiki states there is no known medicinal benefits to taken apple cider vinegar ,
" a second fermentation step,no medicinal or nutritional value. "

I disagree with Wikipedia when it comes to any kind of statements about folk medicine . Wiki probably also says the same thing about garlic not being beneficial .

The World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control has a long list of folk medicines that they claim have no benefit and so I disagree with many things I read on their websites .

In my humble opinion , I think getting ethical scientific information is much better by going to the NIH ( National Institute of Health )

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The link below is the results of articles found at the NIH website . There are links there for many scientific information about Apple Cider Vinegar . If you are interested in learning more about Apple Cider Vinegar from an ethical scientific website , click on the following link .

"✓&affiliate=nih&query=apple+cider+vinegar "

If you feel Apple Cider Vinegar is too much of a risk to try out , you could try prebiotic or probiotic supplements , but you should probably ask your doctor first I that seems risky to you .

Either way I get excellent information from the NIH ( National Institute of Health ) and I stopped reading the WHO or CDC website years ago .

P.S. I forgot to mention in my previous post that garlic powder gets rid of Candida Yeast Infections . Candida Yeast Infections can be very serious and land you in a hospital . Garlic cleared my Candida Yeast condition and kept me out of the hospital .
