

Cheese Head
Is 30-10-10 to much for vegitation? Also should I leave my light on 24/7 they are 26w CFLs. I don't have a ph meter or anything I just water them everyday and I haven't fed them yet figured the "Scotts Premium Potting Soil" will be fine for 3-4 weeks

Which setup would you use ? Option 1 or Option 2


Option 2



Cheese Head
space is not a problem and yield would be great. Yeah i know I got a ways to go I was just wondering for future reference. SO which options should I use option 1 or option 2 . Option 2 is using to 27 watt CFL's


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
hmm...not much to choose from, but id choose option 2 (the cfls) looks much simplified and there is a tad bit more lighting. Also try to take up as much space as you can. What i mean is try building a box for your grow room or just board around the plants.


Cheese Head
so I should build a box aorund the plants all the way up to the lights? I see thanx alot oh and what about 30-10-10 is that to much nit?