For LED Tech Junkies


Well-Known Member
When the weather is crap , some really good tech info regarding old and new tech, may open a can worms for some, have a gander

March 1, 2021Draft 2 Horticultural Requirements V2.1 Overview Webinar
The DLC hosted an informational webinar on Thursday March 11, 2021 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm EDT to review the proposed updates in the second draft of Horticultural Technical Requirements V2.1.

Released on March 1, 2021, the Draft 2 Technical Requirements for Horticultural Lighting V2.1 propose eligibility for new product types (externally supplied actively cooled fixtures, DC-powered fixtures, and LED replacement lamps) that will support greater whole facility energy savings and facilitate the transition from using traditional sources of light to a future state in which LED horticultural light fixtures are adopted. The target effective date for these changes is July 1, 2021.
The Draft 2 Requirements take into account stakeholder feedback received on Draft 1. Join this webinar for an overview of the proposed updates to the requirements and to ask questions about the draft policy.

...Better with some Extra Datas... (maybe Better with vids with Specials Cams...Thermographic cams...NIR cams...Hyperespectral cams...RGB Cams....Etc Etc...lot of cams...lot of vids to the Studies...and Learn...about interrelation with lamps and plants...but no vids with specials cams? ...yet in 2021?...incredible for my POV...dont start your engines with specials cams yet?...OMG...Houston we are in problems...)

...seems to me "they" are missing...the Imaging in the actual times?... then we go on SLOW MOTION....not? only my actual POV...

Talk about the changes on DataSheets format?... no updates on Datasheets Format?...OMG.... in 2021?..comonnn..its not serious...its a big big joke... we are children boys?.... ...mmm... need good tech info...with good norms...but the actual info on datasheets is anticuated and poor... on actual times... need updates or new way or format...

...SPD Data ...on graphic...and TEXT mode...

...IES TM25 Files Data... NEW FORMAT... ANSI/IES TM-33-18

With increasing computing power, engineering disciplines cannot be imagined without simulations anymore.
In lighting, photometric data and electronic processing of this data has become one of the most important tools for luminaire design and lighting design.
This data is today provided in IES LM-63 format, a format that meanwhile has come to its limits.
P. Eng. (Ret) Ian Ashdown, Senior Scientist at SunTracker Technologies Ltd., explains why the time for a change to a new standard has come and discusses the newly proposed standard and its properties in detail:
ANSI/IES TM-33 respectively UNI 1603054.

...i sawed a pdf on DLC site... google it for download....


...X-Ray Files Data... to verificate solder points on Leds and other solder components...

...Independents LABs Tests Data... to compare LAB Tests and Results...


and sorry for my bad english write... my spanish comments...and my editions and erased posts...

Paz y Amor...en 2021 aun mucho mas..

Saludos desde Tenerife - Islas Canarias
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