For the good of all growers i need a Mathematician's help!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I stumbled across some of my old class work and i saw an application for growing.
The problem is i don't know if i can convert the variables. It seems possible but i need some other insight.

As you can see the problem is about concentrations. I want to be able to create a formula that estimates what size fans you need to cool down a grow room using various watt HPS/MH.

It would seem we have all the variable to plug into this example problem

The first variable is a volume at a certain concentration
= room fluid volume @ a certain temperature

The second variable is Time starting at t=0 witch is interchangeable between both problems

The third variable is the input of concentration into the system
= the heat given off by the grow light. "we know how hot they burn"

the fourth variable is a volume @ a concentration after the light has been turned on being removed from the system. lets assume air out = air in @ ambient temperature

I will continue to work on this but help would be nice. This would be a very powerful tool to use during the planing phase of a project.



Active Member
You still need temp data, R-factors on insulation... etc. It sound like you need the data from a simple central heating and air load calculation to me! I would think a good A/C man could do this for you.


New Member
what are your goals good idea like dude sid your missing more factors but if there was a perfect calculation for this somebody would have figured. the truth is there is no perfect calculation. you know about quantum physics right? if you were to measure straight lines in the edges of the room they would go on indefinitely therefore a specific distance cannot be identified meaning there is no way to completely fill your room to perfect co2 composition because space is indefinite. i think a simpler equation should be used for sure...


Active Member
From a physic POV.

dQ/dt(change in heat energy)= production due to light + production due to plants -loss through wall(insulation constant) - fans

the loss through the wall will be dependant on inside and outside temperature but can be estimated.

this equation must equal zero and all constants can be calculated experimentally.

so just solve for the fans when you know what lights, how many plants and which room your using.


Active Member
Where is the evaporative cooling figured in? Humidity and available water to the plant is going to have a major effect as well, so many variables in these type of equations the results sometimes are out of the ballpark completely.
Like using turblulance equations for general work, nonfunctional, the limitations necessary to get consistant results elimate the overview.

Generalized rule of thumb tables work. An equation would only work on an identical room (to the inch), indentical light (including spectrum), identical media volume and makeup, identical enclosure with identical weather outside, identical feed schedules, identical size people breathing the same while admiring the plants for identical times. This goes on and on and on.
Math does not care trivial and uses all the input all the time unless told otherwise, then it is not plug and play anymore.

At a certain point trial and error is so much faster and easier than just identifying the variables involved. Fuzzy logic?

But party on, idle hand's are the devil's playtoys. Keep them busy.