Found a seed and planted it

I found a seed in a nug from my local shop and I planted the seed. The seed is now growing and I'm wondering if its 100% chance the plant will be a hermie or if I have a chance that this seed with produce a female plant.

Very new to this and just starting to give it a go.



Well-Known Member
Most certainly not 100% chance of hermie. If we assume that the seed came from a nanner that popped on the same plant and selfed itself, there is probably a higher than normal chance that it could hermie but not 100%.
In fact, it is not entirely uncommon for a plant to hermie and seed up your batch and not a single hermie come from the progeny.
It is also not uncommon for the progeny to be full of hermies. Roll of the dice.


Well-Known Member
you have just started on a path that is known to be one of the most addictive habits known to man...'growin thy weed'...gud luck man in yur many adventures