Found out where I'm going for my organic matter

Looks like a park. They probably chemically fertilize and apply chemical herbicides annually. I'd buy a bag of topsoil and the home center.

For what it's worth.... my lawn soil analysis shows very little organic matter in the soil. It's a fine crumbly clay soil.
Looks like a park. They probably chemically fertilize and apply chemical herbicides annually. I'd buy a bag of topsoil and the home center.

For what it's worth.... my lawn soil analysis shows very little organic matter in the soil. It's a fine crumbly clay soil.
Never thought of that lol. Was just interested in how dark and uniform the top soil was.
Looks like a park. They probably chemically fertilize and apply chemical herbicides annually. I'd buy a bag of topsoil and the home center.

For what it's worth.... my lawn soil analysis shows very little organic matter in the soil. It's a fine crumbly clay soil.
I've got enough here luckily. Was just amazed at how dark the soil was. Around mine is heavy red clay so the contrast blew my mind.
Looks like a park. They probably chemically fertilize and apply chemical herbicides annually. I'd buy a bag of topsoil and the home center.

For what it's worth.... my lawn soil analysis shows very little organic matter in the soil. It's a fine crumbly clay soil.
From what I've heard actual soil samples usually contains around 5% organic matter, 45% minerals, 25% air and 25% water.

The mineral content is what makes soil so vastly different to potting mixes which have next to no minerals from the bag, and the vast majority is organic material.

I'd love to have a soil lab. I'd be the weirdo walking around with a kit taking sausages of soil to test.
Worry about dog parasites, like ringworms, if it's open to pets.
Just go with "soil analysis for community safety project" for the cops, that doesn't sound as weird as they expect.
Good too see people are forward thinking. I'm definately not...I'm just like "ooooh mud cake"
I mean the organics aspect, not the criminal aspect. Trillions of trees pick another spot, and its better than great soil. Grassburner hit a hot button too...that muck by waterbodies is an amendment of a quality you cant Amazon if you tried, mixed in smallish quantities