Found these Black bugs (Hi Quality Pics)


Active Member
Hey RIU , I need some help identifying these black things I found on the floor of my grow room. I dunno where the fuck they came from, as I am meticulous about filtering the air before it ever touches the grow room, and my personal hygiene and that of my home/grow area rivals that of most hospitals. But nonetheless I found these things.......Help me identify these fuckers, cause I've got some 90% rubbing alc, and very concentrated essential oils (tea-tree, pepperment, clove, garlic, etc) ready to go to work on these bitches......but I'd like to know what I'm dealing with.

PS if these are common cannabis bugs, and someone wants to take the pics to put into a FAQ or something just drop me a PM stating so, and you may.



Active Member
i had the same bugs in my plants a week or 2 ago!.. im growing on my balcony and moved one of my plants and there was like 3 of them under the plant..i figured they just got in some how and were liking the plants are fine and i havent seen them since so i wouldnt worry to much about the damage to your plants but obviously you should still kill them because there in ur house lol:peace:


Active Member
alright, so after further examination, I found none of these bugs on the actual plant , however they are in the soil area. I bought some 70% neem oil, mixed at a 2tbsp to 1 gallon ratio, and drenched the plants and soil. then proceeded to flushing out the soil. I have observed them, when I water these tiny, almost white, little things come to the surface and then once the water has drained they move back into the soil.......

Could these possibly be beneficial bugs??? I killed assloads of them last night, but I'd say there are still maybe a dozen or so I still saw inhabiting the soil.....


Well-Known Member
Sounds like THRIPS, as they live in highly organic soils. Pics don't help me as I never looked at them too closely. Do they fly?? I'll probably get yelled at by the purists, but I always killed them with SEVIN when the plants were small. Personally the SAFER SOAPS always left a taste on the plants even months later, But I'm old school and not into all this new technology that you young kids are into, so maybe someone can enlighten me about the new stuff. What about using the beneficial bugs sold commercially??