Found this eating one of my (indoor) plants. What the HELL is it? It moved fast too!


Went to change water out from my DWC's and found this ugly son-of-a-bitch munching away. There really isn't much that I am afraid of, but this freaking little crab/spider alien has me wanting to give this house back to the bank and I'll live out of my car.........Look at this thing! When it saw me, it like knew that it scared me screaming like a little sissy girl, it ran on to the floor right at me till I stumped the bitch for fucking up the leaves on my biggest girl growing in the batch. Does anyone know what the heck is this thing. I have been searching for hours on the net. to see if I can find it, but no luck. I don't even know how it got here cause it's in a VERY clean white walled grow room that's light tight...what gives? I wanted to take a pic of this shit eating my plant but like I said the minuet it saw me, it jumped off and headed my way like it had a BIG SET OF BALLS - bigger then mine, I can tell you that because I think that's been the first time in my life that I ever screamed. If anyone knows please let me know and if its dangerous or what their called so I can look it up... Thanks - OH, and one more thing, since it resembles a crab, I don't live anywhere near any type of water, plus I've never seen any thing like this in my yard...?
That is fucked right up, strange species, do you live near a pond? These creatures are always carnivorous as far as i am aware? strange it was eating plants?
That is fucked right up, strange species, do you live near a pond? These creatures are always carnivorous as far as i am aware? strange it was eating plants?

No, I don't live anywhere near ponds / lakes / not even a pool in the neighborhood. The only holding body of water is my toilet and that now I am wired about sitting down without lifting the bottom lid to check. AND you say their carnivorous.. Great, do I need to wear a condom when peeing in my toilet ? :mrgreen:
Absolutely nuts wow!! but i agree with Eraserhead 100% they do get way bigger then that "i think". However thats just straight crazy to see something like that, while casually following routines.
I remember the 1st time I saw one in real life, I smashed it with a toaster.

About 10 years ago, they were eating them on Fear Factor. I believe the winner of that episode had a chance to win a Mazda RX-8.

Thank you, THANK YOU very much.

Apparently they can get to 23.6" with their leg span, according to Wiki. I thought it'd be much smaller than that.... The one the OP found is very small.

Absolutely nuts wow!! but i agree with Eraserhead 100% they do get way bigger then that "i think". However thats just straight crazy to see something like that, while casually following routines.
I SEEN ONE OF THEM ONCE ABOUT 8 OR 9 INCHS BIG freaked me out ,about 4 time the size of that one,i shot it with shotgun,didnt know what it was,and wasnt much left to see after
I remember the 1st time I saw one in real life, I smashed it with a toaster.

About 10 years ago, they were eating them on Fear Factor. I believe the winner of that episode had a chance to win a Mazda RX8.

I remember that episode! Called me something like Cave Dwelling Spiders or something never actually said their name. It was a Vegas show. Wow creepy shit lol, 23 inches.... I would be getting stomped by him.
Quoted from Wikipedia:Amblypygids range from 3 to 23.6 inches (7.6 to 60 cm) in size according to legspan.

so they range from 3 inches to nearly 2 feet long!!!
Ok...don't know about you OP but I would move!!!!!!!:o

Quoted from Wikipedia:Amblypygids range from 3 to 23.6 inches (7.6 to 60 cm) in size according to legspan.

so they range from 3 inches to nearly 2 feet long!!!
Ok...don't know about you OP but I would move!!!!!!!:o

2 ft.?!!??!?

damn... you should always have a bigger animal at home to take care of the smaller ones... this case, i would recommend a fucking rhino :)