Fox Farm Nutrient Question.

Hey all just a real quick question about the feeding schedule. I currently have
FF, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, Beastie Bloomz and Cha-Ching. I am roughly about 3 and 1/2 weeks into flowering and I am using the tiger bloom every other watering... should I be mixing the Tiger and the Big Bloom together when I water... or mix the soluble ferts in w/ the others when its time.. or is it just one nute at a time per watering... lol I hope this all makes sense.

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Hey all just a real quick question about the feeding schedule. I currently have
FF, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, Beastie Bloomz and Cha-Ching. I am roughly about 3 and 1/2 weeks into flowering and I am using the tiger bloom every other watering... should I be mixing the Tiger and the Big Bloom together when I water... or mix the soluble ferts in w/ the others when its time.. or is it just one nute at a time per watering... lol I hope this all makes sense.

Thanks in advance.
mix it the best way for you,tb-bb-big bloom,is ok...i whould use the bb the last 3 weeks befor chop.with a 1 week flush
k, I just was not sure if it was safe mixing the the 2 up in a gallon of water... I just worry about burning them =) ty much