Fox Farm Nutrient Schedule


Active Member
I followed botanicares schedule and halfed it last grow, through the ph of ym soil way off from feeding weekly. I grow small plants so maybe they could'nt use it. Anyway, Last grow i fertilized with bloom ONCE a few weeks into flower and never again and had 0 issues this time... I'd error on the side of caution and wait till your girls show signs of needing a feed then do it on the mild side.


Well-Known Member
this works for me
most soil is a little on the hot side i usually mix a third perlite to cut back or sometimes ill use 1/3 perlite 1/3 soil 1/3 coco or sargaphum moss or how ever you spell it 3-4 weeks into grow ill give first feed at 1/4 strength water then another 1/4 water

flower nutes i start usually 2-3 weeks after preflower i wait for the puff ball bud growth and the slowed vertical growth
all plants are different on needs start low and build it up small amounts its good to water between feeds to help pull unneeded residual nutes from the medium

ive found alot of auto's ive grown so far still require some grow nutes into the veg cycle keeps the fans from yellowing early and falling off makes them keep packin on new growth instead of burnin sugar up and tryin to finish just a few weeks into flower ill add just a lil bit to help it along i use the recipe for success i like it after youve grown the same strain out enough you can really dial it in


Well-Known Member
and that oceans forest is hot from my experience you could put a jiffy pellet in your soil just plant it in the pellet by the time it grows out it should be able to handle the soil they grow fast and the seedling stage is more important then any in my opinion


Well-Known Member
I started seedlings in 5 gallons of FFOF, won't feed for a month, then I'll start at 1/2 recommended and gradually raise it up to 100% maybe even higher depends on how they respond to full strength feedings.


Well-Known Member
What if your using happy frog mixed with light warrior, when should nutes be given ??
A seed by itself carries enough raw elements to last 12 days without a feeding, I would suggest that after 2 weeks you start at 1/4 strength and go up to 1/2 the next week, 3/4ths the next and full strength the 5th week.


Well-Known Member
looks fine, good color, right size. It'll take off soon and will almost double in size over night, it's amazing how fast they can change.