Fox Farm Ocean and Tomatoes


New Member
I am new to this source, and even though this is not marijuana related, was wondering if any of you had experience with container growing tomatoes outside? I am using Fox Farm Ocean for the first time in 10 gal. grow bags and typically would when using other container soils amend it - tomato/vegetable fertilizer, fish meal, bone meal, aspirin, crushed eggshells in the bottom 4 inch. layer. My question is, using Fox Farm Ocean should I do what I usually do when planting tomato plants? Thanks so much for your advice!
... experience with container growing tomatoes outside?
been doing that for 20 years. 'maters are really pretty easy, 10 gal (I use 5 gal plastic buckets) should be more than adequate (can't comment on grow bags, watering can be an issue outside), FF is fine although I use ProMix and add amendments and reuse soil year to year. I also use Tomato-Tone. Keeping evenly watered is a chore sometimes and make sure you establish staking/caging early and make sure the container is anchored to the ground so it won't tip over. It will get top-heavy especially in wind. What varieties are you thinking? I have had the best luck (Midwest) with Celebrity, Big Boy, Better Boy and Sweet Million. Good Luck!
been doing that for 20 years. 'maters are really pretty easy, 10 gal (I use 5 gal plastic buckets) should be more than adequate (can't comment on grow bags, watering can be an issue outside), FF is fine although I use ProMix and add amendments and reuse soil year to year. I also use Tomato-Tone. Keeping evenly watered is a chore sometimes and make sure you establish staking/caging early and make sure the container is anchored to the ground so it won't tip over. It will get top-heavy especially in wind. What varieties are you thinking? I have had the best luck (Midwest) with Celebrity, Big Boy, Better Boy and Sweet Million. Good Luck!
I have Super Sweet Cherry. Was just wondering about using Fox Farm Ocean for the first time in 10 gal. grow bags and typically would when using other container soils amend it - tomato/vegetable fertilizer, fish meal, bone meal, aspirin, crushed eggshells in the bottom 4 inch. layer. My question is, using Fox Farm Ocean should I do what I usually do when planting tomato plants and with all the amendments in Fox Farm already, will I burn m y plants adding in what I typical do above. Thanks so much for your advice!
Why use an overpriced soil that is geared to capture the Green rush on tomatoes?

I guarantee a local nursery or landscap supply store or bulk mulch place will have organic potting soils for 10x cheaper than FF.
Just my .02