you know ive had nothing But probs with this ffof first my ph way high so i buy tester for water and soil fix water prob Now today i check soil level and its down way low 5.5-6 any1 else have probs with this prob?any help is nice Thanks
I had the same problem back when I really was growing tomatoes. I can't help much fixing it though, because my solution was to just chuck the dirt and go straight to hydroponics.
Soil can be really great, and it can be really simple. But if it isn't, it fights you way more than hydro does. All those particles and "stuff" in the soil are like a huge pH anchor dragging you back to where IT wants to be, not where you want it to be.
If you ever want to try hydroponics, I'd suggest checking out the pH Perfect nutrients that Advanced Nutrients makes. Obviously study up on hydroponics extensively before you take the plunge, but the pH Perfect technology they use makes it much simpler to transition by basically guaranteeing that the pH will be, well, perfect. Basically "Easy Mode".
And before you ask, I don't think it would work in soil, at least not if the soil's natural pH is off the target already. The two would "fight" if that were the case.