Fox Farms Soil Any Good?

Ghost of Davy Jones

Well-Known Member
If I use this soil do I still need to add nutrients later on? This soil advertises that it has the right blend of food.upload_2017-9-6_21-47-3.jpegupload_2017-9-6_21-48-5.jpeg


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I'm using the ocean forest right now, like above I wouldn't recommend for seeds but it works good for clones and vegging plants
if you're going to tp and flip, i would still think you need to add nutes down the road, bigger plants need more food. and when adding nutrients, start off using half the recommneded dosage and work your way up.I would think its better to have a minor deficiency then overfeeding and getting nute burn and nutrient lockout and all other problems associated with too much nutrients.
How about flowering? Do you have to add additional nutes?
Nutes are more beneficial than re-potting in fresh soil, not only for the fact you're stressing the plant which isn't good right before flowering, but its also costly. Most nutes come with instructions and a schedule. I had a friend tell me about mega crop sold on here and online, and it just so happens I won some last week so I'll be trying that for a "budget grow I'm doing currently". I was told it's some good shit and it has a simple feeding schedule for beginners