Fox Farms With Advanced Additives


Active Member
I have recently purchased some additives from Advanced Nutrients to add to my line of nutes. I am VERY curious to hear from others what they think of this combination. I am using these nutes on two third dimension plants by tga subcool. They are on day 11 of flowering, and were vegged for 55 days. They are each in their own ten gallon bucket of FFOF, and each plant has its own 400 watt hps. These are the Nutes I am now using:
• Grow Big
• Big Bloom
• Tiger Bloom
• Open Sesame
• Beastie Bloomz
• Chaching
• Microbe Brew
• Kangaroots
• Sledgehammer Flush

Advanced Nutrients
• Voodoo Juice
• Carbo Load
• Sensizyme
• Rhino Skin
• Bud Candy


Active Member
i mixed bud candy with my fox farm well it screwed my plants bad ,,,,, i am learning that less is better i was told pick one advanced or fox farm i picking advanced next,,,,,from what i am learning pumping them full of stuff is not the best


Active Member
o and go for it on the senzi zyme ,,,,,, i use a splash once a week not full dosadge every time just a splash once a week worked well for me


Well-Known Member
Id be extremely wary of all those nutes if it were me,what do the ppm's add up to anyways? Have you measured a combigned ppm to know exactly what your feeding the plant ?

Maybe im missing something in the growers thought process so hopefully somebody can enlighten me as to why the need for that plethora of nutes & additives,was there a deficiency your trying to correct ?

The soil has me bumflazzled as well,isnt the whole idea behind soils like your using to be a complete soil containing all the micro nutrients needed to sustain the plant ?

If you could explain what condition you are trying to correct or prevent with all those additives it would be a big help.Thanks.

Edit. I just did the math on the total cash spent on soil,fertilizer & additives,holy moly,hey bud you have to rethink your tactics,you spent more money on hydro shop sauces than you will end up spending on electricity using both lights for your entire grow.


Active Member
i think he is more along of the lines of pump more nutes get a better plant i may be wrong but thats what it seems like i would use just the foxfarm and senzi zyme


Active Member
actually ive been seeing amazing results so far, and as for the soil its full of enough nutrients for a month of growth, but if youve ever used FFOF you'd know that. The plants are hungry and begin to yellow around then. And yes, lol, no worries on the PPM. I honestly think that if you cannot check your ppm than you shouldnt be adding nutes, but thats just IMHO. And actually Ive only paid for the foxfarms line, the advanced were all free. Id encourage You all to check your local hydro shop for free samples of AN. Giving plants an array of nutrients is not a bad thing if done in an intellectual manor. Ithopkins Im definatley going to keep in mind what you said with the candy and the FF. But its been three weeks with it and no problem yet, just huge happy plants.

The Diesel Man

Active Member
Yo dude, Bud Candy and Carboload are pretty much the same product. Carboload is straight sugar, whereas Bud Candy is carboload with Advanced Nutrients discontinued product, "Sweetleaf" added to the formula. Pretty much BudCandy has extra Magnesium. I would stick with the carboload and drop the bud candy because magnesium can produce a less than desirable taste if it is not completely flushed out of the medium. Good luck brother!

The Diesel Man

Active Member
By the way, I would drop every single A&N nutrient besides voodoo juice and overdrive. Advanced Nurtience are over priced and pretty much a bunch of bullshit. Ive used EVERY single product they make in conjunction, (over ten bottles of bullshit) and I have to say, the results were good, but still not worth the money. Besides, Advanced products are extremely salty and leave a shit ton of residue... the last thing you want. Try house and garden, techniflora, or botanicare!