Foxfarm and Aeroponics


Active Member
Long question short, im using an aeroponics system . I have a schedule printed out from fox farm for nutrients to use, the big bloom tiger bloom big grow, and the 3 soluables chaching beastie bloomz and whatever else.. Anyway when running an aero recirulating system , your sopost to cut down on the levels of nutrients you would put into a regular hydro setup like DWC correct?

Here is the schedule foxfarm reccomends, does this apply for Aeroponics or should i be taking a fraction of the amounts off to account for the aeroponics?

Thanks alot for any help and +rep will be involved for any intelligent answers


Well-Known Member
FF is not soley created for the use to grow weed.. So what I would suggest is starting with 50% of the suggested doseage to avoid nute burn..

So thats 50% of the liquid concentrates (grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom...)

Now when it comes to adding the solubles, Id suggest starting with 25% of their recommended dosages...

You can always raise it slowly from there, if your strains permit...

And yes I am reffering to aero.


Active Member
Wow thanks man, I wasnt sure if i would get a reply. Although i must stay that chart does look tailor made for pot in hydroponics. Anyway your right, less is always better and more can always be added!

I will take your advice. +rep


Well-Known Member
Stay away from anything organic in aero----------yes, start with a nute strenght around 1000 ppm (.7 conversion).



Active Member
Fox farm says that

Will Big Bloom™ clog my pump in my hydroponic system?
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Big Bloom™ will not clog pumps. Just be sure you shake it well before using, and remember that it needs to be filtered for aeroponic systems[/FONT]

Does anyone know exactly what they mean by " filtered for aeroponics" ???? Do any of the other ferts they have, includeing the liquid and solid need to be filtered?


Well-Known Member
Ok, Big bloom...My answer is no regarding pump clogging, but wait....Think about your hydro pump for a second..Does your pump have a filter on it, mine does...

Once in a blue moon I may have a clogged spray nozzle which is easy to fix, but I have never had my pump or my pipes clogged up with Big bloom or anything else...

When I do a res change, or a flush I simply pull the filter out, clean it out and reinsert it, fill 'er back up and roll on... The filter on my hydro pump keeps it real down there..A very simple concept, yet very effective for me anyway, so it ends up getting cleaned like every 2 weeks or so, pending ffs schedule....

Does this make sense to you?


Active Member
yea the manufactuerer told me there is a filter and that should be all i need. i will find out i guess lol


Active Member
Not good enough can someone with some experience with Aero and Foxfarm please come forward?

I need to know if blockage is a problem and if there is any easy way to fix it...'

Thanks for the info so far guys not exactly what im looking for though


Active Member
I've used FF with aero for a while, and yes every once in a while it does clog the spray heads. It's not so much that it will keep me from using it tho

I have a homemade filter on mine. I took some PVC and cut a bunch of little holes in it and wrapped it with some blanket stuffing I got from wal mart. I have to wash it out when I change my res. I think a better filter or a better design would help that, but it's really not that big a deal.

Everybody says "don't use foxfarm with aero" but it's a bunch of hype. Just get a decent filter (which you should have anyway if you're running aero) and you'll never have to think twice about it.

Shit, with a good enough filter you could feed your plants soil through your aero system lol

My issue is that all the BigBloom (organic additive) keeps settling out. I'd like to be able to go 2 weeks without changing my res, but it seems like growth really slows after day 4 or 5 when all the brown settles to the bottom. I keep a heavy duty airstone in there, but it only gives an extra 2 or 3 days of suspension. Anybody care to tackle that one?


Well-Known Member
get a wooden spoon from walmart and everytime you check your ph in the res then stir the solution it should mix it all back together and continue to feed the plants do this every couple of days to keep the mix continuous and to help last that 2 weeks. My dwc used to do the same thing until i thought about just stirring the solution. never tried aeroponics before, i do however wanna try some fogponics if i ever get a chance. hope this helps some.