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Free Cannabis: There's an App for That

Los Angeles, Ca ~ an alliance of ground-breaking advocacy organizations present the first fully functioning free iPhone app to locate medical marijuana, just in time for National Medical Marijuana Week.
Last summer, Cannabis Apps and AJNAG were the first to cultivate an iPhone application that allows patients to quickly locate the nearest medical cannabis collectives, cooperatives, doctors, clinics, attorneys, organizations, and other patient services in the fourteen states, plus the District of Columbia, that have passed medical marijuana (cannabis) legislation. Seventeen additional states are considering some form of medical cannabis legalization.
Our collective goal is to put the power of cannabis change in medical cannabis patients pockets, says Devin Colloway Founder of Cannabis Apps, while they enjoy the most sticky and potent iPhone application available!
Originally, the app sold for $2.99; now any iPhone and iPod Touch usersover the age of seventeen can download the app called Cannabis from the iTunes store for free.
As patients, we understand the financial burden of living with life-altering medical conditions, says Cheryl Aichele of Medical Marijuana Media, and we want to help patients access valuable resources for no additional cost.
This timely gift corresponds with the week that Americans for Safe Access, the Nations largest medical marijuana advocacy organization, has adopted as National Medical Marijuana Week. Medical Marijuana Week originally came out of California's Proposition 215 -- thus the annual date February 15th. Now on its eighth year, Medical Marijuana Week is a national phenomenon.
Not living in a medical cannabis state? The new iPhone application will locate the nearest cannabis-reform group so supporters can get involved.
Vacationing out of the country? Find international cannabis coffee shops in regions that have approved cannabis in various forms with listings for Amsterdam, Canada, Australia, and Spain.
Harvesting soon: Videos, Laws, Menus, Action Platform.
Organizations looking to be listed on the app and website can make free listings at
Organizations looking to be featured as one of the top 5 organizations in each category for each geographic location can call 888-My-Ajnag (692-5624) ext #1116 or email [email protected]
Cannabis Apps, Ajnag,, and Medical Marijuana Media are all socially responsible organizations, and do not promote the illegal use of cannabis by minors or adults without a recommendation from a qualified physician.
Contact: Cheryl Aichele
Email: [email protected]
Important links:
Cannabis App Page:
iTunes Store Listing:
Americans for Safe Accesss National Medical Marijuana Week:
Below you will find States with cannabis laws, states with pending cannabis laws, features, harvesting-soon features, ground-breaking organizations behind this app
Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington plus the District of Columbia
PENDING MEDICAL MARIJUANA STATES:Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, Utah, Ohio,
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Predictive Searches
News,, Americans for Safe Access, NORML
Real Time network driven database
Extended Information for Collectives / Cooperatives
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o Offers (Flowers, Clones, Edibles, Concentrates)
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o Wheel Chair Accessible
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Highlighted Featured Listings
o Purple Dot on Map (instead of green)
o Before Search Results (Purple Heading)
HARVESTING SOON Videos, Menus, Reviews
News delivered to the app comes from the most revolutionary organizations in cannabis reform movement. NORML is the first and oldest national organization focused on marijuana legalization and Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is the first national organization solely focused on medical cannabis reform. ASA has made some of the most impactful legal advances to ensure safe access to medical cannabis for patients who qualify for it.
Devin Calloway has made revolutionary advances in the medical cannabis movement by creating the first online locator ( in 2006), the first fully integrated patient-resource platform ( and the original Medical Cannabis iPhone App ( is also the first organization to offer short-form videos focused on medical cannabis.
In part, the application gets continually updated by information from and the Patient ID Center (PIDC). The PIDC was the first medical cannabis cooperative to have a federal criminal case go to the United States Supreme Court under its original name: Oakland Cannabis Buyers Collective. They also are the very first medical cannabis cooperative to incorporate in California.
Also the PIDC is the first organization to offer an identification card program. The California Health Department County identity card borrowed the PIDCs model to create their program. Furthermore, the PIDC is the first organization to get a contract with a County to provide the state-issued cards, instead of the County of Alameda issuing them.
Medical Marijuana Media (M3) is the first organization to be dedicated to educating and empowering medical cannabis patients get their own positive media attention and providing public relations services specifically to the medical cannabis community.
M3 handled to media for both releases of the Cannabis app. The Cannabis iPhone application has been featured on ABC, CBS radio, CNN, NBC, PC World, Mashable, LA Times, the Tonight Show and more.
FOR RELEASE February 15, 2010:

Free Cannabis: Theres an App for That
Medical Marijuana iPhone Locator Released for Free
Last summer, Cannabis Apps and AJNAG were the first to cultivate an iPhone application that allows patients to quickly locate the nearest medical cannabis collectives, cooperatives, doctors, clinics, attorneys, organizations, and other patient services in the fourteen states, plus the District of Columbia, that have passed medical marijuana (cannabis) legislation. Seventeen additional states are considering some form of medical cannabis legalization.
Our collective goal is to put the power of cannabis change in medical cannabis patients pockets, says Devin Colloway Founder of Cannabis Apps, while they enjoy the most sticky and potent iPhone application available!
Originally, the app sold for $2.99; now any iPhone and iPod Touch usersover the age of seventeen can download the app called Cannabis from the iTunes store for free.
As patients, we understand the financial burden of living with life-altering medical conditions, says Cheryl Aichele of Medical Marijuana Media, and we want to help patients access valuable resources for no additional cost.
This timely gift corresponds with the week that Americans for Safe Access, the Nations largest medical marijuana advocacy organization, has adopted as National Medical Marijuana Week. Medical Marijuana Week originally came out of California's Proposition 215 -- thus the annual date February 15th. Now on its eighth year, Medical Marijuana Week is a national phenomenon.
Not living in a medical cannabis state? The new iPhone application will locate the nearest cannabis-reform group so supporters can get involved.
Vacationing out of the country? Find international cannabis coffee shops in regions that have approved cannabis in various forms with listings for Amsterdam, Canada, Australia, and Spain.
Harvesting soon: Videos, Laws, Menus, Action Platform.
Organizations looking to be listed on the app and website can make free listings at
Organizations looking to be featured as one of the top 5 organizations in each category for each geographic location can call 888-My-Ajnag (692-5624) ext #1116 or email [email protected]
Cannabis Apps, Ajnag,, and Medical Marijuana Media are all socially responsible organizations, and do not promote the illegal use of cannabis by minors or adults without a recommendation from a qualified physician.
Contact: Cheryl Aichele
Email: [email protected]
Important links:
Cannabis App Page:
iTunes Store Listing:
Americans for Safe Accesss National Medical Marijuana Week:
Below you will find States with cannabis laws, states with pending cannabis laws, features, harvesting-soon features, ground-breaking organizations behind this app
Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington plus the District of Columbia
PENDING MEDICAL MARIJUANA STATES:Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, Utah, Ohio,
Google Maps
o Multiple Views
 Map, Satellite, Hybrid, List
Search by City, Zip, Name
Bookmark Listings
Add to Contacts
Predictive Searches
News,, Americans for Safe Access, NORML
Real Time network driven database
Extended Information for Collectives / Cooperatives
o Hours
o Offers (Flowers, Clones, Edibles, Concentrates)
o Delivery
o Wheel Chair Accessible
Search Settings Customization
Highlighted Featured Listings
o Purple Dot on Map (instead of green)
o Before Search Results (Purple Heading)
HARVESTING SOON Videos, Menus, Reviews
News delivered to the app comes from the most revolutionary organizations in cannabis reform movement. NORML is the first and oldest national organization focused on marijuana legalization and Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is the first national organization solely focused on medical cannabis reform. ASA has made some of the most impactful legal advances to ensure safe access to medical cannabis for patients who qualify for it.
Devin Calloway has made revolutionary advances in the medical cannabis movement by creating the first online locator ( in 2006), the first fully integrated patient-resource platform ( and the original Medical Cannabis iPhone App ( is also the first organization to offer short-form videos focused on medical cannabis.
In part, the application gets continually updated by information from and the Patient ID Center (PIDC). The PIDC was the first medical cannabis cooperative to have a federal criminal case go to the United States Supreme Court under its original name: Oakland Cannabis Buyers Collective. They also are the very first medical cannabis cooperative to incorporate in California.
Also the PIDC is the first organization to offer an identification card program. The California Health Department County identity card borrowed the PIDCs model to create their program. Furthermore, the PIDC is the first organization to get a contract with a County to provide the state-issued cards, instead of the County of Alameda issuing them.
Medical Marijuana Media (M3) is the first organization to be dedicated to educating and empowering medical cannabis patients get their own positive media attention and providing public relations services specifically to the medical cannabis community.
M3 handled to media for both releases of the Cannabis app. The Cannabis iPhone application has been featured on ABC, CBS radio, CNN, NBC, PC World, Mashable, LA Times, the Tonight Show and more.