Freebie Pheno Hunt

Kami Samurai

Well-Known Member
Got a bunch of freebies trying to see if there’s any hidden fire.

Working with 4x Seedsman White Widow, 1x G13 Labs Blue Cindy, & 2x Seedsman Jack Herrer started in paper towel.

I Still have Seedsman Blueberry but I’m going to hold off on that for an outdoor.
All seedsman freebies. All Feminised

Lighting in my veg room is 2x 8 Bulb 4’ T5s. I have my GDP mom in there and some rooted clones but all that is under 1 light for now. My nutrient setup is posted in my GDP log but I’ll be switching to Canna as soon as I pick what additives I’ll be running besides all canna additive so far just the cal-mag is needed. After I have decent tap roots the plants are transplanted into 1.5” Rockwool then once rooted again into 6 plant bubbleponic systems with 3” net pots. Once they root in there we place the net pot with plant into a 5 gal individual bucket with a 6” net pot lid. I clone using a DIY bubble cloner with tap water and RapidStart.

Mostly looking into the White Widow, grew some Nirvana WW about 3 years ago want to try again plus this is suppose to be an 8 week pheno. Was going to pick up a pack of the OG black widow, snagged the SSHaze instead but I’ll eventually give it a run. Comments welcome, weekly updates.
All popped in 24 then added to Rockwool.
Left 4 are White Widow (2 seedlings have broken surface.)
Middle Single G13 Blue Cindy (hasnt broken surface)
To the Right of the BCindy is 2 Jack Herrer (1 has popped surface)
2 just added are the RQS Critical all the way to the right.
I have 2 Blueberry germinating now too
All WW are popped but 1 never grew a 2nd set of leaves, the others broke it’s head when it was breaking surface so I have 2 healthy WW seedlings.
Blue Cindy is a seedling, both Jack Herrer are seedlings.
1 Critical has popped (those 2 are all the way on the right)
Added the 2 Germed Blueberry seeds up top too.
All seedlings with exposed taproots got transplanted into 3”net pots. About 8 gallons of water right up to the bottom of the net pots. Each 2 stones on a 45 watt eco plus pump. 3ml gro/bloom/micro, 10ml RapidStart. Heisenberg tea.
did you get the critical freebies from seedsman? I am curious how these do for you. I have like 5 or 6 of them.

Everything’s on track.
Already started 6 Ken’s GDP seeds.

Will start 5-10 GHS Super Lemon Haze Seeds. For an Indoor Pheno hunt for a mother plant [Goal-10 week pheno with a Strong limonene profile]

Will Start a Mr. Nice Super Silver Haze Pheno hunt/ Breeding Project [Inbreed Line] for a line next outdoor season after this Pheno hunt.
A couple of these will be ready to transplant soon [Taking clones first].
Will probably just do rez changes and allow them to sit in these systems another week. I’d like to defoliate so it wouldn’t be so crowded, still I don’t want to thicken lower stems so just going to wait till post-cuttings.
I’ll just start topping and hopefully get clones off within the week.
Usually I’d just use a 20 site DIY Bubble Cloner [tap water only] but I’ll be using rockwool w/ clonex as well.
The 5 Kens GDP [Left System] all Sprouted. They have been transplanted into their own system since they all had visible taproots as well. The 5 GHS Super-lemon Haze But will not be transplanted till later today or tomorrow [In Humidity Dome]
The 4 [2nd system from the left] are Ninja Fruit from Ocean Grown I have a separate thread for.
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[KGDP- Grand Daddy Purp/ Ken’s Grand Daddy Purp]
[SLH - Green House Seeds/ Super Lemon Haze]
[WW- White Widow]
[BB- Blueberry]
[BC- Blue Cindy]
[Cx- Critical]
[JH- Jack Herrer]

(Will try not to mention the Ninja Fruit in this journal. I have another journal on this strain. I plan on working with it in depth)
[NF- Ocean Grown Genetics/ Ninja Fruit]

[Left: All but one are KGDP, Front Left is a SLH]
[Middle 4 are SLH]
This is how I transplant directory into DWC: Right after exposed taproot- goes into a 3.75” net pot. Small layer of expanded clay/ water on bottom of net pot. 1/8-1/4 Seedling Nutrient schedule.

All KGDP have rooted base of net pots.

My DIY Cloner- 20/ 2” Neoprene+Net pot Sites. 3 KGDP Clones.
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They go into flower next week, already have rooted clones of each pheno. Unless I’m surprised I probably won’t be keeping any of these ladies. I’ll still give them equal attention none the less. I’ve popped around 50 seeds over the past few weeks and have been doing a lot of research for my next seed purchase. I’ll be purchasing a Banana Kush Hybrid and a Cheese. As well as packs from Shoreline, OG Raskal, Jaws, Swamp Boys, and a couple IG breeders so far.


Critical was a male. They were suppose to be fem seeds. Just chopped him. I have a breeding tent going up soon but I’m not intrested I’m using critical in any of my crosses.