Old thread but hey...I read a few pages, seemed legit but people like different tastes and textures of weed so you don't really know until you try it yourself imo.
I have, I put an open box in, plus 2 open jars and a closed box. The joint I'm smoking now I took out of the freezer about 6hrs ago after 3 weeks in there and it seemed fairly moist, I might have put them in the freezer a little early. I dried it out and it tastes great, nice and smooth, really fruity, minty fresh taste, like my weed was when first dried but deeper and smoother, the bud I'm curing normally is still nice and fruity and getting smoother but it doesn't have the mint taste.
I've always read that the chlorophyll is what makes weed harsh, however I've read that you get the same minty taste from weed in a food dehydrator because it retains the cholorophyll and certainly most weed with that taste is fairly harsh. Whatever happens in the freezer though, this weed has that taste, stays as green as when it was put into the freezer (the jarred bud is getting darker) but is a nice smooth smoke.
I'm going to leave the rest in there and sample a bud every week until it's at smoking consistency, then seal the jars for storage and see what happens to the boxes.
So far I'm a fan, but it's a personal taste thing here. I know people who like the taste of fresh weed and if you do, this gives you that but as smooth as jar cured and while I can't confirm it yet, if you seal the weed up once it's right for you and leave it in the freezer, it should stay that way for a very long time. (I have read an actual scientific study on the storage of cannabis, 9 months sealed in a freezer in the dark had less THC loss than 3 months jarred at room temp).
I do have a friend who won't smoke anything that hasn't been cured though (unless he doesn't have any) as he doesn't like that taste, so it probably wouldn't suit him. I'll know next week when I take him some round to test