Fresh clones how do they look?? help!!


Well-Known Member
They don't look very good.. I just took my first clippings a couple days ago so it's not like I'm an expert, but my mother didn't have any yellow leaves so you might want to make sure your mothers in better shape. Also, I have been getting really good results just keeping them in indirect sunlight, and don't think I would put them under my 105W, so if you're really putting them under your 105 you should probably look at getting a smaller bulb.


Well-Known Member
K, try clipping the yellow leaves (you really don't want those on) and I think you will be more than fine with just one of your 43s.


Well-Known Member
the yellowing of the leaves are the cuttings pulling nutrients from them and feeding the roots. damn near every clone ive taken does this. I had 25 in my cloner machine, just potted 16 of them the other day. at least 80% have yellowing leaves, and nice green new growth.



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Well-Known Member
the yellow isn't normal after 3 days. my clones don't even start to get a slight bit of yellow till after 5 or 6 days.