Fresh Cut Clones Now what???? pic need help


Active Member
So I just cut two clones
I have them in
Smart pots with soil and cow manure
Perlite mix
Cut them at 45degree handle then split the ends and stuck them into root tone powder stuck in medium
Have 3 64watt cfl and humidity dome have sprayed with fresh water twice today
Any tips on keeping her alive before I put in green house??? This is my first time need help?i


Keep the humidity up and don't overwater but keep them moist. Let them get some air every once in a while and play the waiting game. After about 10 days you can lose the dome most likely.


Well-Known Member
IDK about adding manure right now, it might be too hot.
Did you scuff up the sides of the stem that is below soil level?
That will help also.

It's not real hard to start them, I did these by accident one night when I was lazy, I did a little lollipopping, and just stuffed them in the cup I happened to have there.feb26pic16_zpscf22af92.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your info man ... is sunlight satisfactory after three days cfls
Personally, I would leave them for 10 days to 2 weeks, just so you don't double shock them.
When you first put them out, just put them for a few hours in the morning or afternoon for a couple days, then you can leave them out.
I assume you are close to 12/12 and want to go straight to flower?


Active Member
Ye August is 12/12 season my films say I can keep clones in the house for a week the they cotta go to the greenhouse so I hope for the best they're perky this morning I sprayed em again