FrEsh Harvest ! now for drying and curing good pics


just harvested today timed up time for drying, planed for that is about a week of drying live in desert very dry, 5 days in paper bags, then jars for curing.



yea love the indo board got a few tricks up my sleeve on it, but idk we have heard 48-72 hours of darkness so idk helps increase the thc content since thc degrades during light hours, just two plants and dont know the total weight i will let you know when it is dry though


Well-Known Member
Why did u give them 60hrs of darkness?? what does that do?
From what i understand, THC is produced during the 'sleep' stage of the plant, ie, when its dark and not photosynthesizing.

Light, within 2 minutes, destroys the hormone being released during sleep that creates the THC so depriving it of light for an extended period of time so that it stays asleep and makes more THC. The thing is, the longer you leave it in the dark, the less food it has and will eventually starve to death.

I dont know this for a fact, but it makes sense. I personally kept my plants in the dark for about 48 hours prior to harvesting.