Friends quit should i?


Active Member
hi a lot of my friends quit smoking and just wandering if i should to. Basically the only time i like to smoke is when im with my buddies cause we all just fuck around, you kow what i mean. Iv dont it by myself but i d not like it to much because i feel like a bum being by myself smoking weed feeling like depressed. Yet when im with my friends its a whole different story.

should i quit u think


Well-Known Member
In my opinion....Any time your regularly using drugs and think to yourself.....Should I quit???...Can I quit???.....I could quit if I wanted to but I dont want to.......Any of these thoughts and you should take a break for a few months.....before it turns into I wish I could quit but I can't


Active Member
In my opinion....Any time your regularly using drugs and think to yourself.....Should I quit???...Can I quit???.....I could quit if I wanted to but I dont want to.......Any of these thoughts and you should take a break for a few months.....before it turns into I wish I could quit but I can't
haha that is good. thanks

it's just that im a teenager and i want to live you know what i mean. when your high you think of new shit, you feel relaxed, you just wanna have fun. But i would NEVER ever try any other drug besides weed. When i was younger i said to myself i'd never do drugs but after doing it 2 times...i liked it. same with my friend.


Well-Known Member
Well here is my advice. do what you want. I started smoking week and I did it for awhile and I thought i was hooked on it. So i stopped for months no withdrawl it was fine. Then I figured I would start again knowing that I could stop after long term usage, not something that can be done easy with heroin or cocaine. I would say marijuana is probably the least addictive drugs next to lsd, shroom, and coffie. It seems the pleasure seeking drugs like heroin, crack, and possibly ecstasy because of the Meth part of MDMA. But weed, its really not pulling on endorphin, dopamine much or at all.


Well-Known Member
yea if ur at the point of even thinking about quiting... you should quit. but if you enjoy the substance than keep medicating yourself


Well-Known Member
If you think you should quit, then by all means quit. But don't just leave it alone forever because your friends stopped smoking with you. Take a few weeks off, smoke less regularly. Sometimes it helps to get a different perception of life every once in a while.


Well-Known Member
hi a lot of my friends quit smoking and just wandering if i should to. Basically the only time i like to smoke is when im with my buddies cause we all just fuck around, you kow what i mean. Iv dont it by myself but i d not like it to much because i feel like a bum being by myself smoking weed feeling like depressed. Yet when im with my friends its a whole different story.

should i quit u think
If it's no fun smoking by yourself, then quit. Easy decision. Don't smoke just because you feel you have to, or because you might think you'll be rejected by your other friends who still smoke. There's no social law that says you have to smoke. It's a personal decision.

Contrary to popular belief, many long term heavy smokers do suffer a number of withdrawal symptoms (something I'll post about on my blog in the near future). They're not overly severe, but they are a pain in the arse when you have to stop smoking suddenly (sometimes literally). Believe me, I know because I've felt the whole range. Having said that, casual smokers, or smokers who don't smoke on a daily basis don't usually feel the symptoms.

PS...I'll be getting to have my first smoke in over a month on Sunday...W00H00!! Considering I'd been an all day everyday smoker (medicinal) before that, I'm really looking forward to getting my medicine again!:mrgreen: It's gonna be my belated 420 celebration.


New Member
If you think you should quit, then by all means quit. But don't just leave it alone forever because your friends stopped smoking with you. Take a few weeks off, smoke less regularly. Sometimes it helps to get a different perception of life every once in a while.
im a 20 year old guy that dropped out of high school because I had too many things going on. I was engaged @ the time and was working on building a full time career. I eventually got my training done and got hired @ a tattoo shop in the area I trained in working for a pretty good guy. I smoke a little bit before i start my day because it helps me focus. when im doing appointments here @ home now that ive gotten married and moved away, if the client is cool with it i smoke before doing tattoos to steady my hand. Im not talking about getting blazed to the point that im incoherant, just more steady and inspired. Now im taking the time to go back to school because im out in the world and realize just how important it is. DONT QUIT IT YOULL REGRET THAT SHIT

Lol at the drain bammage

But we all know weed doesn't cause brain damage

this would:wall:
and that is another thing, dont let common misconceptions about marijuana confuse your judgment. It will not make you stupid, but being stoned and sitting there playing video games all day without any sort of intelligent passing through your brain day after day, will. A lot of people still live responsible lives and go to work just to come home and fire up a doobie in the evening, that dosent make you a bad person. Getting high everyday and laying out of school or work, does.

Well here is my advice. do what you want. I started smoking week and I did it for awhile and I thought i was hooked on it. So i stopped for months no withdrawl it was fine. Then I figured I would start again knowing that I could stop after long term usage, not something that can be done easy with heroin or cocaine. I would say marijuana is probably the least addictive drugs next to lsd, shroom, and coffie. It seems the pleasure seeking drugs like heroin, crack, and possibly ecstasy because of the Meth part of MDMA. But weed, its really not pulling on endorphin, dopamine much or at all.
ive been down the other roads and done the other drugs. Dont fuck with em if you have anything similar to a brain. any of the others are not like weed, and Are addictive. They will fuck up your shit, just take it from me you dont want to go down that road.


New Member
PS...I'll be getting to have my first smoke in over a month on Sunday...W00H00!! Considering I'd been an all day everyday smoker (medicinal) before that, I'm really looking forward to getting my medicine again!:mrgreen: It's gonna be my belated 420 celebration.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm looking forward to feeling normal again.
Decent smoke beats the shit out of anti-depressants. The A-Ds that my anti-pot GP prescribed have started to get me very lethargic ... more like easily fatigued I think. I get tired, but can't sleep. Then when I eventually get to sleep, I sleep for too long and half the day disappears. A little while back when I told him I couldn't sleep, he prescribed Temazapam (10mg). Well, it takes three of them to get me tired, but I still don't end up sleeping until after 3 or 4 in the morning. Add the other side-effects like no interest in sex and a few other fucked up things and my long held distrust in prescription medicines are justified.

Prior to this doc prescribing these pills, I didn't take any chemical drugs. Not even paracetamol. At the moment, and this is why I haven't had a smoke in so long, is we're away from our home town working. My medicine of choice used to be about a gram a day of good bud. I could function. I could sleep normally. My lady and I had a healthy (very healthy) sex life.

I haven't been able to work for a long time due to the depression and anxiety, but the A-Ds haven't changed that in any way. They've just made my non-working life worse. So, we've got a good relative bringing us medicine and we'll make sure we can get a regular supply of good bud where we are. I'll have to lie to the GP and pretend to be taking my 'meds' as he prescribes them. That shits me, but if I don't bullshit the doc, I can't get our version of invalid pension while I'm not working.

Ah, it's a tangled web. The sooner medicinal marijuana is allowed in my country the better. But I gone of the subject of this thread, so I'll shut up now. :wall::roll:bongsmilie:hump::sleep:;-)


Well-Known Member
In my opinion....Any time your regularly using drugs and think to yourself.....Should I quit???...Can I quit???.....I could quit if I wanted to but I dont want to.......Any of these thoughts and you should take a break for a few months.....before it turns into I wish I could quit but I can't

marijuana isent addictive at all...coffe is 20 times more addictive,but they still sell it to make thier bitch ass money

but anyway fourteengrams,im one of those guys who smokes everyday...i mean everyday!...i thought it would be impossible to stop smoking,but i was in the middle of a grow and my dealer was in a drought situation,so i had no choice but to stop smokin and it is really a mind thing,jus quit for a lil or toke once a week


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm looking forward to feeling normal again.
Decent smoke beats the shit out of anti-depressants. The A-Ds that my anti-pot GP prescribed have started to get me very lethargic ... more like easily fatigued I think. I get tired, but can't sleep. Then when I eventually get to sleep, I sleep for too long and half the day disappears. A little while back when I told him I couldn't sleep, he prescribed Temazapam (10mg). Well, it takes three of them to get me tired, but I still don't end up sleeping until after 3 or 4 in the morning. Add the other side-effects like no interest in sex and a few other fucked up things and my long held distrust in prescription medicines are justified.

Prior to this doc prescribing these pills, I didn't take any chemical drugs. Not even paracetamol. At the moment, and this is why I haven't had a smoke in so long, is we're away from our home town working. My medicine of choice used to be about a gram a day of good bud. I could function. I could sleep normally. My lady and I had a healthy (very healthy) sex life.

I haven't been able to work for a long time due to the depression and anxiety, but the A-Ds haven't changed that in any way. They've just made my non-working life worse. So, we've got a good relative bringing us medicine and we'll make sure we can get a regular supply of good bud where we are. I'll have to lie to the GP and pretend to be taking my 'meds' as he prescribes them. That shits me, but if I don't bullshit the doc, I can't get our version of invalid pension while I'm not working.

Ah, it's a tangled web. The sooner medicinal marijuana is allowed in my country the better. But I gone of the subject of this thread, so I'll shut up now. :wall::roll:bongsmilie:hump::sleep:;-) seeking to get a medicinal marijuana card...i think in a post you said you have would a regular joe go about gettin one??


Well-Known Member seeking to get a medicinal marijuana card...i think in a post you said you have would a regular joe go about gettin one??
Sorry bloke, not me. In Australia we don't have anything like that. Cannabis is totally illegal in all states no matter what people tell you. Some states have 'harm minimization' laws which basically means either warnings or on the spot fines for minor possession. It's a complete waste of limited Police resources chasing down smokers, but you can't tell the politicians that.

Talk to FDD2BLK. I think he has a card. Sorry I couldn't help you bloke.


Well-Known Member
did they quit or a they just saying there gona stop .... loads of ppl say that then next week the ring me up and ask me if i wana smoke a j with em... rofl...


Well-Known Member
In my opinion....Any time your regularly using drugs and think to yourself.....Should I quit???...Can I quit???.....I could quit if I wanted to but I dont want to.......Any of these thoughts and you should take a break for a few months.....before it turns into I wish I could quit but I can't

fuck that shit, pussy! smoke your ass off. watch a movie and smoke. take a blunt to the hot-tub. you dont need your friends to smoke!


POST 150!!! yay!


Well-Known Member
ive been down the other roads and done the other drugs. Dont fuck with em if you have anything similar to a brain. any of the others are not like weed, and Are addictive. They will fuck up your shit, just take it from me you dont want to go down that road.[/quote]

Me to man, and its just a waste of time and money. now shrooms, LSD, THC (weed) DMT all psycoactives while the brain eats this stuff like candy it is not addictive because its not the same as when the brain eats heroin or crack. Unlike those big boys the feeling of pleasure and the withdrawl feelings causing you to look for more of the drug. if weed gives you a pleasure of say level 10 and winning powerball gave a pleasure of 1000 heroin or crack would be up in the 1000+ I bet. And that is why its so dangerous in my opinion.
I never wanted to be a junky but I was at one time, I have been clean for 3 + years so far and i will never look back. I learned from my mistakes.

Oh and one more thing, Pleasure should NOT be why you are using drugs. You want to use them to learn and to experience. I did shrooms a few times and a friend said he didn't like it because it didn't feel really good. And I was like, you idiot its not a crack hit. Its so you can go on an adventure in your mind. Saying it didn't feel really good is like going to disney land and saying I dont feel really really good right now. You are happy and having a good time, what more do you want. Feeling really good is something that should come naturally in small bits like getting strait As etc. If we all felt good all the time then we would not know what feeling good is because we would be used to it and it would become our reality just like a crack addicts. and that is why weed in my opinion is so great and amazing.

If I bought a new game I will be happy for awile but it will wear off overtime until i would need to buy a new game to get the same feeling again this is what makes us want to get up and make money. Its the reward. Now if you start to mimic those feelings for 5+ hours strait by using chemicals like heroin to trick the brain into releasing or adding those chemicals or feelings you just volunteered for a huge depression and sadness after that wears off, causing you to want to buy more of the drug heroin for example. Coke is just as bad but less addictive. But keep inmind if one spends $100 on heroin it will take a day or 2 to use it all depending on tolerance. Coke on the other hand the average you can blow 100$ up your nose in 1 hour and still want more after resulting in spending $1000s.


Well-Known Member
congrats projump for your turnaround!!:clap:......i can tell you have a good head on your shoulders....good for you:mrgreen: