Frito Bandito420's 400watt hps DWB grow

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
Well got a few supplies figured id set it up and let it run a little bit.
Before and after.


Now I am kind of stuck on what to do lol. Should I flush it before i add nutes? How much water should I actually put in there. i have a 5 gallon resivor and each bucket it 5 gallons. i am just using 2 for now. 1 air stone per bucket. but i have 2 in the resivor. Time to germinate a couple seeds and see what happens. lol If anyone has any suggestions or ideas to help me get further started let me know. feel free to post them here.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
seeds sprouted open. just checked them before I got in bed. will plant them in the morning. hopefully this lil grow will go smooth. my first hydro project.

oh yea here was my first grow in dirt.. no proper anything really lol just to see how it would turn out. it stopped growing think because not enough light. so i chopped it down :wall:


Frito Bandito420

Active Member
anyone have any idea when i can put the hps to it? i have a floro grow light on them now. just till they look a big stronger and can take the light. but when should i turn the hps on



Frito Bandito420

Active Member
Got my ventilation today. Just cooling the light right now. It hasnt gotten to hot in there with the door closed.


Do you think its to early to turn the hps on these? I started them from seed.

View from the outside lol looks super bright in there.
Im thinking of running a vent from the house AC to the grow room. How do yall think that will work out? we keep the air set on 76*f and in the winter 68*f
and this is what im smoking on today.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
Week one update with pics.

I changed the reservoir from the start nutes to grow nutes. Roots are showing at the bottom already. So I think they are going pretty good from my knowledge.
Heres a couple pics. I put a piece of white paper to keep light out of the water or something like that... haha. but the little plant wasn't wanting to stand up i think my fan got moved and it laid it over last night. so i have the paper also helping it stand itself up straight. Temps stay around 80*F. they were down to 75*F yesterday. But it was pretty cool outside.


Frito Bandito420

Active Member
Day12 since planted. Day 10 after sprout above ground/medium we'll call in ground in my grow.
Lowered the light 10" away from the plants. everything seems to be going good. Temps staying in range so far. Hoping for a good grow. But I have a bit longer to go. What do you think so far?



Well-Known Member
nice little setup.....I got something similar....I use a 2' 8lamp T5 HO setup - check out my grow journal - helps keep the plants nice and tight and keeps temps down - what kind of nutrients do you got/plan on using? When I get ready for flowering in the next week or so I am using a 1,000watt Badass Ballast/ Red Diamond Bulb inside a 8" Melon Head Cool Tube reflector with an 8" inline duct fan with a speed investment thus far! what strain you workin with?

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
let's see nutrients are formulaflora. just a little something I wanted to try. if this don't work I'm gonna use foxfarm as suggested by an old timer grow friend. its supposed to be a blueberry strain. hopefully feminized seeds.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
Well I am one day into week three. Going good so far. Going go try and LST them. Got them going in their starting direction. Lets see how it goes. I plan on finishing off this week and one more week them going to 12/12 with the light. Hopefully I will be atleast 3/4 way around the buckets. Temps stay good. But I have been thinking before i start to flower them. What do you guys think if I put a vent in the closet one coming off the central air. Keep the temps down even more. It wouldnt be hard as I could tap into the AC duct from the room over. Anyways off to the pics.



Frito Bandito420

Active Member
Its starting to feel like a g r o w room now. I got the little fan idea from a thread on here. The fan is not as powerful as he says. I have a 6" 340cfm fan which puts out more air than this one. but i have that one pulling the hot air out of the room and pulling it out of the light also. temps are cooler now with the door shut. Think it was a good investment on my part. Thanks revorof for the DIY.



Frito Bandito420

Active Member
well picked this up a lowes. so far so good. needed to cool the temp. so ice bottles and a cooler from lowes. works good for me. sorry for the bad pic. ill take better ones tomorrow

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
Well switched the lights to 12/12 6 days ago. changed the nutes to bloom 3 or 4 night ago. just a very slight yellow tip on a few leaves. guess its just the right mixture but not to terribly much. i do notice yellowish middle of new growth but its been like that from the start. had to move my light up a few inches or so. had some leaf tip curl. i am wondering how i would go about trimming lower branches that are not getting much light. without stressing my plants to much to become hermie. sorry for the bad pics. just took them and my camera doesnt like the hps.

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Frito Bandito420

Active Member
ok guys got a little problem im thinking. I am roughly on day 42 of flower or + or - a day or two. I use dutch masters one. flower nutes nothing else. i try to keep the ph around 5.7. but it drifts up some when i add in water but i get it back down to around 5.7 i wont adjust it if its 6.0-6.2 though. i tend to slack on the ph level as its so hard to get right the first time after i do a res change. also use 17% peroxide 2-4ml/gal. just to keep my roots healtyh. I am set up in a DWC. 5 gallon cooler. my ppm was around 800-815. water temp never goes over 68. mostly around 66. i was having yellowing issues i lowered it to around 600ppm and not getting any better. My leaves feel a little crispy is some spots but more dry than crispy. any help that is actual help i will rep u. i dont wanna lose this plant as its my first real grow that i actually got something out of hopefully

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Sector 5 Moderator
The yellowing is from not enough N. That is pretty typical considering you're using flowering nutes. Flowering nutes do not have much N. The leaves being as you described sound like P and Mg deficiency. I find it hard to believe that they would have P def, but you never know exactly how much of what element they are uptaking until they show signs of being deficient. If they don't need it, they won't uptake it but if they need it and it's not available, then they suffer for it.

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
so what should i do?

ok changed the res. scrubbed it good. cleaned the air stones and lines too...

ppm is at 420 what a number lol. ph is set to 5.6. it will drift up some so ill set it again in a few hours. I also added 8ml of 17%peroxide 2.75 gallons. and 30 ml of clearex. i had it so i figured i'd use it. idk if it will be good or not but hey why not. probably shouldnt have though lol​