from 1 noob to another [dont be fooled] 1st day gitters


Active Member
hello, if your like me some time ago [over a year for me] you typed into an internet search bar "how to grow marijuana" getting dozens of pages and links. the top of which were probably Roll it or youtube and a few others. me i went youtube, searched the same thing. two series of videos in particular taught me much of what i was looking for and much of what i needed to know. 1 for hydro, the other for soil. i wont mention or link these vids as im not affiliated in any way with those who shot them. but after watching both videos i looked at dozens of youtube journals which lead me back to the internet from hearing plenty of big names in the industry {who will remain nameless} whick took me over to high times. reading, learning, watching, and reading more. i found myself following a google link to this site. this may not be how you came here, but this is where you are now. i started all over again reading the thread learning much of what i already knew all over again. alot of info you come across will differentiate but putting together the missing bits and peices of what i didnt have gave me a clear picture of what i needed to do, what to expect, and the most common problems and diagnosis. then i began. the point of this, the warning is to not let the post counts or rep counts you see intimidate you. not all here are great gardeners and not all know what they are talking about. so if you feel like this is the first day of school where you have no friends, theres no need. we were all as new as you and as green. who am i? im just a noob like you. i wanted to even the playing field if 1st day jitters was a problem for you. have a question? ask a question. if you followed the rules in the noob section you will have already looked for an answer and shouldn't be heckled for asking a novice question. if you are think nothing of it. the seniors here arent all jocks and jerks. hope this makes you feel a little more welcome than i did and im sure many others until they made freinds. start here hope you stick around, learn laugh, and grow. may all you gardens as well as your thumbs be green
just a little less of a noob...everyday
this is true. my intent was to deminish the feeling of being a noob among pro's. nothing more nothing less. they will get heckled no matter what question they ask its just in a trolls nature to feel superior. im not bashing anyone, just wanted to say that we all were new at some point and even though we have a post count and rep system it doesnt mean that it serves as a class system. happy learning and growing for all. peace
I for one don't mind the same question over and over. Some people just prefer a conversation to a book.
nice thread, i also dont mind seeing the same question over again. its kind of like a reminder to all of us to keep reading your plants.
im the same. ive only been here a few months, consider myself pretty involved. i see em everyday, several times a day. i look in on them most times i dont respond if several ppl have already, but if not and i have the answer i chime in. most times its just a case of directing them top the right thread, or posting a link to it. thats what this site is here for or so i assume. i think some ppl forget that, get 1 grow under your belt and think your a pro. i know for one im here to learn and grow, and teach when i can. thanx for the read and support guys.