From Jiffy Peat Pellet to Soil


Hi everybody, so a couple days ago I germinated my Critical + seed in some paper towels and then I put the germinated seed in a Jiffy Peat Pellet.

Right now there are some roots getting out of the Jiffy Peat Pellet so I need to transplant to soil.

What is the best method to transplant a seedling from the Jiffy Peat Pellet to soil?

(Sorry for my bad english)

Hugs and Good Vibes


Active Member
I would just gently tear off the tissue like stuff holding the pellet together, then put the little pellet in some soil that has a little hole the size of the jiffy, and water it and it should be good:) GL with the grow:)


Right now the Jiffy Peat Pellet is moist...

Should I wait for him to dry or should I squeeze the Jiffy so it gets solid?


Do not squeeze the jiffy, you could damage the roots, leave it in the jiffy and plant it in the soil and let it work it's magic.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Just place the plant and jiffy pellet directly into its next container of medium. No need to remove anything or do anything special......