From Skunk Magazine

Wow. Fantastic site with great information. I could spend hours here reading the articles. Thanks for introducing this to me lol
This is a great article from the Rev..
In particular the part the lighting spectrum..

Didn't say much really. Typical magazine piece......

Good advise but, kinda common knowledge.

He totally skipped any mineral adjusting for quality increase's. Same for giving any real in depth info on UV too. Nor did he mention that a good portion of the MH during the last cpl weeks doing more for some minor UVB exposure being the biggest part of the MH thing.

He could have been far more complete.

I don't like his layering thing. Nor his "spiking" for late bloom. But the old boy does organics very well!
I suppose we all have our ways to do it, eh?
Didn't say much really. Typical magazine piece......

Good advise but, kinda common knowledge.

He totally skipped any mineral adjusting for quality increase's. Same for giving any real in depth info on UV too. Nor did he mention that a good portion of the MH during the last cpl weeks doing more for some minor UVB exposure being the biggest part of the MH thing.

He could have been far more complete.

I don't like his layering thing. Nor his "spiking" for late bloom. But the old boy does organics very well!
I suppose we all have our ways to do it, eh?
Yeah I’m still learning and digging around for all the info I can.. I later went on you tube and found a guy explaining things a bit better.. Apogee Instruments, I believe the guys man was Bugbee..