From tap water to RO water


Well-Known Member
hello ever one i was wondering if there is going to be a problem here. I am vegging my plants in an aero system and am running normal ph balanced tap water now my flowering system is currently on reverse osmosis. Now my question is do the plants get shocked when they go from tap water to RO water? now i imagine they dont but i am unsure and the last thing i want to do is veg for 21 days then the plant dies in the flowering room.
thanks for helping settle my paranoias


Active Member
i would say no its just cleaning that bad stuff out it might take a day to get used to but it should be better cleaner a better base to star

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
When using RO water, there is NOTHING in it. You will need to add calmag or equivalent for the missing trace minerals that are expected to be in normal water.
Most nutes expect trace minerals in water being used so they are not part of the solution. Without calmag or what ever, you can get deficiencies due to the trace minerals missing in the water.