From The Tude--Trans Siberian Auto **Journal**


Well-Known Member
What up RIU...thought I would post in the Auto section of this forum. Just a little detail on my setup: 6bulb, T5HO, 4ft, Mixed Spec, Closet (open door)

I will be taking this from seed to harvest with this light set up (T5 haters, please be kind). FFOF through veg with just purified (RO) water (and maybe a little root enhancer). Then some FF Bloom nutes at first signs of flower. She was started in a Solo cup and just recently transplanted to 1.5 gal pot. Detailed timeline pics below. I am 12 days in (last pic is from 2 days ago). I will post a more updated pic tomorrow. In my sig you will see another journal on some other trans I got going, with many struggles and stunting in the beginning. I started this one thinking the others would not make it. From what I have read in the Auto section, they start extremely slow but then take off, and that seems to be very true as you can clearly see in my other journal.

Trans 4 Day 1 8.7.jpg Day 1

Trans 4 Day 3.jpg Day 3

Trans 4 Day 5.jpg Day 5

Trans 4 Day 7.jpgDay 7

Trans 4 Day 10.jpg Day 10

Thanks all for looking and commenting....I will keep the posts coming!!



Well-Known Member
I have TS at day 5. Three of em. It will be cool to see how they turn out. Stay Crunchy!


Well-Known Member
Hey Dameon, do you have a journal on those I could check out...would love to see a comparison. The journal in my sig has three ts going and are about 30 days in...let me know bro!!


Well-Known Member
ill be checking up on this one! Really wanted to do the trans siberian but chose the ultra lemon haze again, think ill get some for next time


Well-Known Member
Thanks Dameon, looking great!!

And thanks for tagging along Low Blower....should be a fun ride!!

So as I stated here are some updated pics (today actually!!) Top and side view, Day 13 from popping!! And as I stated above, slow starting...but then they shoot up...

Trans 4 Day 13a.jpg

Trans 3 Day 13b.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thought I would post up for all you who be watching... We are on Day 15, and she is a short stocky moofoo, can't seem to get any stretch!! She is also doing the wierdest thing I have ever seen, each set of new leaf growth has three sets of fan leaves, is that a sign of a hermie? might have to do some research on that one....Well some pics below...any thoughts, please post!!

Trans 4 Day 15a.jpgTrans 4 Day 15b.jpgTrans 4 Day 15c.jpg

She is pretty big for Only day 15!! :)


Well-Known Member
Quick Pic Update: Day 17; growing beautifully; looking great; super tight nodes...what else can I say!!

Trans 4 Day 17a.jpgTrans 4 Day 17b.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thought I would post up for all you who be watching... We are on Day 15, and she is a short stocky moofoo, can't seem to get any stretch!! She is also doing the wierdest thing I have ever seen, each set of new leaf growth has three sets of fan leaves, is that a sign of a hermie? might have to do some research on that one....Well some pics below...any thoughts, please post!!

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She is pretty big for Only day 15!! :)

looking good del! I grew a nirvana ice plant about 8 years ago that had 3 stalks at each node, i just called it a mutant lol its good for topping i suppose :D keep us updated. she sure is stocky, my Ultra lemon haze autos are on about day 18 today and have yet to really stretch also. Im hopping they will soon :)


Well-Known Member
Low, did that Nirvana make it all the way through?

This Trans is healthy and standing tall...IM not worried really. I have a few others on day 30...and although I'm new, I'm not too impressed with this strain...but I'm Prolly speaking too soon..thanks for checking in bro!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah she made it all the way till harvest :D a slug had bitten the stalk about the first node, so i got three colas lol

Where are the other 5?? What are you not impressed with? Stretch? I was really hoping it would be a good strain, but ill wait to see the final product :D its supposed to be really strong smoke, according to the breeder


Well-Known Member
At least she survived!! I have three others working right now, you can check em out in my sig....long story short, I have a crappy mex bag seed that is out performing all of them...and I also have an alquimista from the tude as well...and she looks incredible too....I guess I just feel like they should look better...compared to what else I have working. But like I said, when she is all said and done I'll make my final assessment....

Also, I think im not going to do autos again either. There isn't much time to manipulate get what you get. Especially when you have a smaller set up. I have a few other autos I got from the tude I'll be trying next...dinafem haze and wos Pakistan I'll have something to compare. As of now, I think I like photo period better...time will tell!!


Well-Known Member
are those other strains autos? Coz rgular plants will stretch way faster anyway, on my first grow i just threw a load of photo strains in with my autos and i had to cut them back like 3 or 4 times while the autos finished. then i ended up throwing them out anyway coz they were taking up too much space. Your autos might have a growth spurt at any time. I saw a pic of some other trans siberian which was a very decent size for an auto, so i guess just wait and see how its grows out :/


Well-Known Member
They are not autos. I have in my closet (which is too many because I had initial problems and thought they would not make it): 4 Trans Siberian Auto, 1 Alquimista Fem non-auto (from the tude), I mex Bag Seed non-auto, and lastley what I was told was some kind of Hawaiian strain bag seed non-auto. I figure to just keep all the non-autos veging until the autos finish, then switch the non autos to bigger pots and flower them out on 12/12. I topped all the non-autos and will prolly top again to keep them short and bushy so the auto's can flower with-out me having to raise the lights so much, plus my set up is T5 can really only go no more than 18-20 inches if I want any type of density in the nugs, so we shall see...

I hope they go through some kind a growth spurt, the autos at least, as they are only sitting at about 8" or so (the ones that are flowering anyways). So another 8" of flower would be nice to see. They both started to flower at about 30 days, but they were stunted for over two weeks in the beginning due to MG soil and over-watering...rookie mistake. I guess I should be happy they got as far as they did. You can see some updated pics of the ones that are flowering in the journal that is in my SIG.

thanks for the convo LOwblower, I could talk shop all day!! Will post some more pics over the weekend...daily growth outwards and may even see some signs of flower already...under 20 days I can''t believe it...she must be a mutant, LOL TTYL!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Low, I posted this in my other thread but thought I would post here for you. This is a mex bag seed of the lowest quality, and I mean dirt low, seed. She is a monster. Counted 18 shoots at cannopy. She has been topped twice in 30 days. Pics are 30 days ago and today:

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I can't wait to flower this beast.

Also just wanted to throw in a pic of my closet and how over-crowded she is as I mentioned in my last post....arggg


There is even one more all the way to the right that you can't see, LOL

aiigt..take it easy, have a great weekend!!


subscribed. i just planted 3 buddha purple kush autos from the tude today. its my first real grow. that trans siberian looks so good, cant wait to see how it turns out


Well-Known Member we are on Day 21. I transplanted to a 3+ gallon pot from a 1 gallon pot. She has already started to flower. I am still not getting much stretch, so hoping the bigger pot will help. Still just using RO water and no nutes up to this point. Short, Stalky, and Healthy:

Trans 4 Day 21a.jpgTrans 4 Day 21b.jpgTrans 4 Day 21c.jpgTrans 4 Day 21d.jpg

Thoughts and comments appreciated!! Thanks yall foo checkin in :)


Well-Known Member
Finally starting to get some stretch!! Day 24 and these buds are already swelling like crazy. Pics Below:

Trans 4 Day 24a.jpgTrans 4 Day 24b.jpgTrans 4 Day 24c.jpg

Thanks for checking in!!


Well-Known Member
nice plants, ive heard about the 'wolverine claw' type thing u got goinjg on with ur leaf tips but ive never read up on it, u should check it out. like leaf claw or something i dunno. Anyways apart from that they look very nice, i hope its not a problem for you! Looking foreard to seein them get frosty :P deff trying this strain next time