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Well-Known Member
walterwz48 minutes ago


It is time to go to war on neoliberalism in all of its forms.

This is the REAL political situation:

The billionaire class has decided to unilaterally revise the social contract that has been the foundation of a social democratic political and economic framework that brought prosperity to millions in Europe and North America since WW II.

The billionaire class has decided they will not pay taxes. Under the false flag of cutting taxes for everyone the billionaire class took a corrupted system of tax law where they and only they could evade taxes and corrupted it to the point where they and only they can move all of their wealth beyond the reach of any taxation what so ever. Reversing this is the right wing political 3rd rail. From here the math is simple. The top 10% hold 2/3s of all the wealth and they are not paying any taxes. This is why a balanced Federal budget is not possible.

The billionaire class restructured the economy away from a productive economy that produces actual goods and services that people actually need and use to a finance based economy that is totally parasitic to the real economy. The finance economy of Casino Capitalism drives up asset prices of Real Estate and those commodities looted through privatization, exacting vast transfers in wealth through bubbles, booms and busts. When these schemes inevitably crash, the finance sector drives governments across the world into deeper unsupportable debt.

The final phase of this new social contract is the complete reversal of all social democratic reforms that provided a social safety net that provided some mitigation of the predations of this criminal class.

The people need to wake up to this basic reality and rise up against the real enemy here.
"The social contract" that where Unicorns and Chupacabras all dance together, because, ummm, because?
"The social contract" that where Unicorns and Chupacabras all dance together, because, ummm, because?

something of which you know nothing of..

  1. an implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection. Theories of a social contract became popular in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries among theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as a means of explaining the origin of government and the obligations of subjects.